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RE: How do you deal with the frustration when your posts don't get the recognition that they deserve?

I've been here a long time, I'm used to it. I used to look at other posts and compare them with mine. Some were better, some were worse, but everyone got more. There are many reasons and it is not only the quality of the post that decides in this system.
But now I don't look at it anymore. Still, after seven years, I keep trying to publish at least one post a day, and something that makes sense and that I'm trying to improve.
But, as I once mentioned, there is a "slow learning curve". 😜
Interaction and commenting are also essential.


Interaction and commenting are also essential

I think in the long term they are even more important than the quality of what we create. You can write the best post but without friends, nobody will actually see it...

3 credits added for the Liotes Ranking