IAAC day 216 praying and preaparing for the final burrial of my grandpa 👴

A blessed morning to you all @iamalivechalleng hope you are all having a wonderful day, this morning I will be so busy running errands for the burial of my grandpa
that will be coming up in few weeks time precisely 23-26 of this month I will be going to the printer shop to get the
banners invitations cards
and flyers
and also the program scheduled for the day burrial ceremony it's another beautiful event in my country especially when the deceased is old and has alot of children grand children and grategrandchildren it is always a big event so we have to plan ahead of the program because my grandpa is a grate man and well know in the town he also has alot of impact in the town that the king 👑 of the town gave him a title as a chief in the community.also he was a grate hunter that is well know in the community and the near by villages he is an icon that needs to be well celebrated and deserve to be giving a befeeting final burrial may God help us and provide all our needs for the day to be a success


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 43 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Looks like a lot of activities are to be done for the event. When did he die? How many years before?

He died on the 26th of October last year

81years old

hello dear friend @tobywalter good day
I appreciate very much that you let us know the traditions of your people, what you tell us about it is very interesting
It has been beautiful to have shared time together with him, without a doubt you will have many anecdotes
stay safe and take care dear friend
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid day

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May his soul rest on.

Am I invited for the occasion 😜, where is the venue?

I hope the programme went well and Gid will provide. Its a good thing to prepare ahead since you said the programme will be late this month. Stay safe and healthy @tobywalter . May his soul rest in peace.

@tobywalter - You are such a good grandson that help your family preparing the burial of your great grandfather. I believe that your grandfather should be a healthy person that why he lived life for longevity of 81 years old.

As you mentioned that this burial will probably be a big event as he had done the good deeds to communities and well respected by the others once he lived. It seems to me that this burial will be a family gathering sending him to peace and heaven.

Don't be sad but learn from what he had achieved in life.One of the very few things that is common to all humans is that every human life ends in death. Yet most of us ‘do’ our everyday lives without seeming to be consciously aware of this universal inevitability.

All the best. !ENGAGE 20