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RE: We Are Alive! December 31st, 2022 Sabbath

It's a wonderful thing to read about a family who adheres to God’s principles. I homeschooled my children for four years. I would have used the Tuttle Twins books had they been available at the time. Teaching freedoms once taken for granted is now vital. I'm happy that mine are grown. I wish I could say that they still walk with God, but none are close to him currently.

Your charcuterie board looks amazing! I pray that you and your family have a blessed 2023.

 last year  

I'm glad to hear about your time at homeschooling, our children really enjoy Tuttle Twin books. Freedoms are something we cannot take for granted. How old are you children now?

Your charcuterie board looks amazing!

Didn't know that's what it's called. I'll have to remember that.

My husband reminded me when he made ours lol 😆