The Magic of Urban Exploration: Discovering the Wonders of Lisbon on Foot

We live in an increasingly fast-paced world where we spend much of our time sitting behind desks or inside vehicles. But there remains something deeply human about moving through our surroundings on foot, connecting with the streets, shops, and people that make up our cities.

Walking provides an opportunity to slow down and truly see our neighborhoods. We notice charming details―the lovely Spanish tiles on the old cafe, the flower boxes outside apartment windows, the intricate ironwork of a gate―that we miss when whizzing by in a car. Strolling side streets reveals hidden parks, tucked-away gardens, and other special spots just waiting to be discovered.



Walking through Lisbon was a joy. I explored narrow cobblestone streets, climbed tortuous hills, and encountered beautiful parks - all on foot.





I remember wandering Parque Eduardo VII and being struck by the peacefulness. Sunlight filtered through the trees as joggers and dog walkers strolled the paths. I sat on a bench, listening to the wind rustle the leaves and feeling a calm I don't often experience in my busy life.





There was no sense of rush, no place urgently to be.




For those of us who come from hectic cities, from dangerous spaces, walking at any time and enjoying the city is an incomparable pleasure. I had learned to rush everywhere. The city is usually stressful and unsafe, especially on foot. So exploring Lisbon was a revelation - strolling quiet streets, lingering at outdoor cafes. For the first time, I understood the true joy of city walking: the leisurely pace, the chance to observe my surroundings with an unhurried eye. Simply wandering Lisbon's neighborhoods felt like an unexpected gift.


And a little thing that I've been doing, some memories transforme in comics:


Thanks for joining me on this walk! Until next time.

My links
Art and review By ©Alejandra Her


It's so nice to slow down and enjoy the little things. What great material for your new comic exploration : )

Thank you so much✨

I love comics and I'm working on them. it's not easy with all things we end up doing, but it's something I love and It feels like a need.

Well, it may not be easy to make your comics, but you look like a natural.

Art is definitely a need 😌🧡.

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I love allthe flowers and the narrow paved streets are so charming

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)