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RE: Unexpected HIVE Meetup in the Mountains!

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

Wow, that looks exciting and I love your furry friends!
Looks like I need to create some profiles for Holly and Mia.. haha
Holly wouldn't get lost either, but I can't trust her on the chasing front..
Anyway, glad you had a glorious day out!


Making accounts for your dogs, well just if you can manage so many accounts haha
I barely manage this one 😆 but everyone has a different rhythm

I already know about Mia, when you said she looked up for the music shared in one of my posts. So you have also another dog, Holly. Nice :)

You are AMAZING!
How do remember all that with all those contacts you have?
Just shows, that I couldn't cope with accounts for them.. :D

Yes, two little doggies..
They're on my blog, if you scroll down a couple.
Mia is the Yorkshire Terrier in front.. :)

I don't know how do I remember all, but for sure I know my memory is my forte.

We will see what will happen when I get old, I mean really old lol

I just hope it will not be the total opposite... 😬

I checked not your blog, indeed your two doggies are there 😍

Soft toys:))

Aren't they just! Just like yours! 😍

These dogs are actually not mine, they came to visit me together with their owner :)
But for sure, I like them so much and I am used to them that can be already called "almost mine" 😅

AH! I see..
They looked so naturally yours! :D
