The dolls invited me to visit their time, on a nature walk.

in Wednesday Walklast month


I fell asleep in a dream, a dream where nature gave me beautiful views. But first I had to cross a bridge.

I didn't know where it led me, but I crossed it with great confidence.


The sun streamed through tall bamboo branches that stretched out in front of me, between small lakes hidden among those reeds.


As I walked along I came across strange trees, oddly shaped but very beautiful. Evidently they were not from this world. Where was I? Maybe in a paradise?


I look at the sky and I can hardly see it, the wonderful trees with their leafy tops made me see fairies flying among them. Or maybe it was my imagination. Do you see them?


A path opened up in front of me, a very beautiful path through the green and the air was delicious, it was sweet. Evidently I was on another planet.


When I looked down I saw a tunnel that made its way through many flowers that gave colour intermingled with the green of nature.


At this stage of my journey in this unknown world I was soaring through the plants and foliage to admire the sky.


I wanted to fly to be able to get into the diverse landscapes that this paradise offered, I didn't know if I was walking or flowering among the trees.


When I touched the ground again I found myself on a path with an amazing bamboo plantation and I decided to explore it.


I was amazed to have found such a different space, although many of the paths I could not walk on, as the bamboo canes were too close together.


Suddenly I spotted another path where there were glimmers of light between the bamboo canes and the plantations. I love it when the sun's rays shine through the trees, it creates a very special and magical atmosphere.

I followed the path and it led me to a house in the distance. I didn't know who would live there, after all I wasn't on planet earth... or was I?


It was a very small house, I wondered how many people could live in there. It didn't even have windows, it was all very strange. But I decided to investigate a bit more and see if I was welcome in the place.


According to a sign at the entrance there seemed to be some kind of dolls living there and I was told that they were going to tell me stories. I love stories and the door was open so I went in.

The dozens of dolls that lived there welcomed me very well and began to tell me many stories.




It seems that in another distant time the families of the bourgeoisie and very illustrious people had inhabited this place. They told me that they used to sit on a bench like this one.

And that there was a very beautiful pergola where the family enjoyed nature, especially the many carnations that were grown there.




I was also told that many famous people of the time visited the place, as it became famous. Politicians, artists and very important people attended beautiful evenings there.

A mini theatre had been built where plays were performed and the press went there to cover these events. It seems that they were very important and elegant.




The dolls enthusiastically told me that there was a place where the wisteria grew in the shape of an arch and that the family who lived there liked to walk around, sit and enjoy a good time.

Family and friends would visit that garden, and they would go on walks and horse rides, hikes and many parties.



The woman loved books and had a very refined library of literary content, collecting very important books.


They told me that they ate very well there, that they had a great cook. It was a delight to enjoy his food and he was renowned throughout Europe.



But I was told that the best thing of all was the design of the garden, which had a French style.

It included many exotic species from all over the world and for which the family had received many awards.

Gardeners could be seen working all the time in the garden.


Not only the family of marquises who lived there enjoyed this beautiful place, but all the guests were delighted.


Finally they told me that to get out of that space and that world you had to follow the dry riverbed.

They knew that I was not of this world and that at some point I would have to leave. They asked me to tell me about this great walk full of dolls, history and nature.


I thanked them for the tour and followed the riverbed.

The feeling when I woke up was that I had walked so far that my legs ached, but it was worth it.

As promised, I will tell you about this fantastic walk.

Best wishes to all of you and see you next time.

All photographs are my own.

Separador Amonet rosa.png


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Thank you very much @pinmapple 😃

Que bello recorrido por ese mágico lugar. Y Amé ese lugar con esas muñecas de antaño. Abrí las fotos para detallarlas. Amo toda esa energía que evoca al pasado. Luego nos cuentas más. Abrazo.

Cada lugar por el que caminaba estaba lleno de sorpresas, fue genial encontrar ese espacio entre los bambú! Gracias Zully!😃

Beautiful place.
It's the bamboo part for me...I haven't seen that type of bamboo, the ones we have in my country are not spacious, they grow in bulks

It's true, in many places I couldn't even pass between them. Thank you very much!😃

Oh yeah.
You're welcome 👍


What a beautiful hike, and what a beautiful place, like something out of story books.
Beautiful Wednesday walk, I appreciate you showing us this natural space
Have a beautiful afternoon dear friend @avdesing

It was very nice for me to find this exhibition of dolls that tell a story among the bomabu. Thank you very much @jlufer 😃

A lovely walks ends with a lively meeting...dolls alwsys plays some role to witches...May be u r does it feel of getting back to 44 years back

Feels great!!!! I felt like a kid hahaha yeah plus the dolls told me how to cast spells hahaha

Eso es una belleza total. Muy pero muy bonito el lugar, para mi ya eres la reina del turismo jajajajaja he visto tantos lugares en tus publicaciones.

Hola! Lo único que me falta es saber inglés jajaja con el cual muy bien no me llevo jajaja, muchas gracias!

Tranquila eso lo aprendes.

What a magical and playful adventure to the world of dolls 🎎

I didn't expect to find that there, but it was there and it was great!❤️

That's the great thing about exploring, you can find unexpected treasures.

Like the auroras, all beautiful things!

You entered a magical world and the fairies guided you to the world of the dolls and there you could discover their story ❤️

Exactly! How did you know it was the fairies? It was beautiful to be there, it reminded me of the doll collection you have!❤️

I sensed it hehe and soon those dolls will come to light ✨

It will be great to see that collection!

Thank you for sharing your dreams; my legs were aching too after this Wednesday walk, I saw the fairies and played pool with the dolls. I loved participating in the enchantment of this lovely dream.
Greetings @avdesign

It was great to find that little house right there, I didn't even know what I would find and it was so good! Thank you!😃

Yes, it was lucky you found that place, have a great night!!

See you tomorrow @avdesing 🤗

Buenas noches! hasta mañana!

Que hermoso y mágico lugar. Si. Lo puedo ver y lo que no veo son pandas en medio del bambú...gracias a dios.. por lo demás.. veo todo con claridad que hermoso es 😍

Menos mal igual iba con precaución que no me ataque y me diga que vaya a contestar comentarios🤣

Hello @avdesing, this place you visited is beautiful, I love nature and the forest, although what I liked the most is the place where you found the beautiful dolls

Me imaginé te iban a encantar, eran todas preciosas y así con su vestiditos! Gracias @miprimerconcurso 😃

No... I'll wait for you over there by the bamboo. Dolls scare me a little bit.

Well, wait for me there... I'll fight with the dolls!🤣

see what I told you 😂?
you have dark instincts...


Ooooh! No pude ver a las hadas, pero si la increíble creación de Dios 😍 Lo más impresionante es que en medio de ese lugar puedas encontrar una especie de museo de muñecas, what? 🥰 @gigi8 ya sabes a dónde tienes que ir cuando vayas a España... Ese será tu lugar preferido por mucho ✨

No esperaba encontrar una exposición de muñecas contando historia y dije... voy a llevarla a Hive! jaja me divertí mucho!🤣