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RE: Walking to the Rhythm of the Blues

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

Blown away by the colours. How beautiful! I could walk that route for the rest of my life.

Cheers for the opportunity to listen to some soul-soothing music too. It's been a while since I listened to the blues, maybe it's time to get the guitar back out. Hope you're doing well Blue, all the best for the year ahead.


Thank you! What a pleasure to read your good opinion about this walking place. It was a surprise for me to see that you are drawn to these fall colors, I had formed a wrong opinion, I realize now, that you are a person more inclined to philosophy and less to nature. And to music, now I understand that you play the guitar. Nice! I love music very much but I lack the talent to use any instrument. Right now I feel the same way about the color ( blue), it would seem that I will have a year not as I wanted and with some problems on the horizon that I don't know yet how they will be solved. I'm trying to be optimistic and thank you so much for the good wishes. I wish you well, a good start to the new year, and may it be kind to you.
I love it when someone calls me "Blue", there is also someone else here who calls me that. Thank you!