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RE: Night Walking

in Wednesday Walklast year

Great shots, my man. Reminds me of back before I had kids, I would go on walks all night, and keep going the next day. So many interesting things to see and explore. Even now, 20 years on, I still feel the same way.

I still go on walks at night, but they usually involve a stop somewhere to grab a beer, then going home because the kids will be up early. Ah life.

Hope you get over your jetlag soon. But enjoy the early morning walks as long as they last.


Thanks. Something was wrong with my phone, like moisture in the air or something. I really need an entry level DSLR or equivalent.

So you and I have been here for about the same amount of time. And in all of those years, ya, there is still new stuff to see and do. Or just looking at places you've been from a different perspecitve. I often find myself looking back. It's something I never really remember doing in the past. It was always go forward on a familiar route.

I just got back from a 10km walk to Shibuya. I walked through a neighborhood I have never been in and it was like discovering the city all over again.

As long as I get the kids off to school and cook dinner the Mrs. doesn't care where and when I go. I got lucky.

Or just looking at places you've been from a different perspecitve.

I think that's it. I've probably seen it all over the years. Hell, there are probably some things here I've seen even more than anything back home. But the more I learn about Japanese culture, the longer I'm here, it alters my perspective and I start to see everything differently. Maybe that's why it all remains so interesting.

That's a good point. The longer we are here, the more we learn, our perspective of things changes.