Walk For Health, The best Medicine

in Wednesday Walk29 days ago (edited)

Hi Hive friends.

For the past few days, we had planned to go for a walk in the morning, so today was Wednesday. We had planned to go in the morning. We were looking for a beautiful place that time we find a beautiful place and spend some time there and complete our walk because it is true that health is wealth if we compromise on it then we can not live a good life.

The journey was a bit long when we found this beautiful place, the sun came out but it wasn't too hot so we parked our model bike and locked it because there are a lot of thefts here today. It is becoming more and some time ago one of my cousin's motorbike was somehow stolen so now it is very important to be careful.

Because the prices of motorcycles here have also increased so much that now buying new It has become impossible that the motorcycle used to cost one lakh rupees, now it has become two and a half lakh rupees. They are moving into another country so that they can provide a better life for their family. This place was very beautiful and it was a very big park, so we spent two hours here in the morning,

Children did not come here, but the adults who were there came for their walk and that too. The truth is the way doctors tell us that if we don't get old and we want to be disease-free, we have to go for a morning walk every day. Morning walk has many benefits. There were older people here and it was nice to see them taking care of their health because it was the only way they had to live a good life and if anyone here If a person has diabetes,

The doctor advises that one should walk on the grass, it makes insulin inside the human body, then there is no need to take a pill and the sugar that is there is under control. Also don't take easy because we have seen that many people die early due to this disease because my mother also had diabetes and she also died at the age of 52 due to this reason. and such diseases should be taken seriously and treated on time so that this does not happen to anyone.

This brother whom you see in the picture was jogging continuously for the last one hour and running at a good speed and when he met him, he has been here daily for the last one year and for the last one year. He did not get any disease and his health is getting very good and his stomach was also completely normal. Because of this, what is in the stomach starts to come out, then after some time, diseases also start,

So the secret of good health is that you have to walk daily, and then we have seen here. That many women were born and that if all men and women would take a daily walk in the same way, things would look much better and better.

It makes me very happy to go here and see such beautiful and scenic things because we know that city life is a problem, so if you want to refresh your mind, such beautiful places. Will have to go up and then we will be able to live a good life for a while now this way we know that the T20 World Cup is going to come so this time we have a lot of special players and now the way.

Yesterday there was a match against England here but it was stopped due to rain so the series is going on in the same way that the teams are practicing it will benefit the teams a lot and this time we will see that our team is much more. If it is strong, then our prayer is that this time we win the T20 World Cup because people here are living in a lot of depression,

When the matches are going to happen, they will spend a few months watching the matches with great happiness here. People watch the match with great interest and close the shops when the match takes place. A beautiful design was made here in the middle of the park and there were also swings for children, but at that time children were not there and here now I will come once in the evening and see here.

How many people come because when we talked to the people here, they were saying that there is a lot of rush here in the evening. We are not here at this time, but if we want to have better health, we will have to get up in the morning, because of this our health will be better.

All the youth of today we see that they don't pay attention to their health at all and they don't wake up early in the morning and they don't walk, so the youth of today is not healthy. Because in the morning when we go like this, many things in our body are set and today's young generation like to sleep because at night there are lates using social media. If there is no waking up in the morning at all, then since the advent of social media, people have moved away from physical activity,

Due to which mental health is very disturbed, and this is the only reason because every human being has seven hours a day. He spends eight hours on his cell phone and does not take out half an hour for his health to go for a walk every day in the morning and in the evening. That is why physical activities are disappearing from our lives. Since our brain is not working well and our body also has pain, this is the main reason.

Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

Read my latest blogs.



Here's my entry for @wednesdaywalk community, as hosted by @tattoodjay.


Walking is a good and effective form of exercise. It is also a fun thing to do since we get to see things along the way. It is great that you do it often.

Yeah you are right.

This is so refreshing to see🤩
Quite a beautiful scenery