Explore A Small Farm With Cute Animals

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

Hello friends, how are you today?
It's been a while since I've posted back in the Wednesday Walk community. I'm really happy to share my walks and discover your amazing walks from around the world. Today I will introduce and lead you to walk around to discover a small farm, called Chika farm. Let's set off.


Chika farm is a small farm in Da Quy village, Xuan Tho commune, Da Lat. It is becoming an interesting destination for young people when coming to Da Lat. What makes it so popular? I think what attracts people here is the cute animals that are being raised on this farm. Here, there are quite a few cute animals that people born and raised in the city don't always see, so many people bring their children here for lessons about the animal world. Let's see what animals are here.










The first cute animals that we can easily notice are the Alpaca camels. There are about 6-8 Alpacas here, they are in the main grounds with lawns and lakes. They are like the beautiful models of the farm, everyone who comes here wants to take pictures with them. I like this brown Alpaca the most, she looks cool when she smiles.









As for me, I like the Kashmir goats the most. And this Kashmir goat couple is my favorite. Unlike other goats, this couple has the privilege of going everywhere on the farm. I like this guy's hair, he looks cool. They are also very friendly, these two goats have become my guides leading me to every corner of this farm.








I was also particularly impressed with the Standard Chinchilla rabbits. They look quite fat and don't look like rabbits I've seen before. I don't understand how these rabbits will survive if they meet wolves in the wild. Here, they look quite fat and sluggish, they just eat and sleep all day.







In addition, this farm is also home to sheep, ducks, chickens and mice. All of them live together quite peacefully. And if you have ever seen the movie "Sheep and Shaun", you will probably remember the character of the dog in the sheep farm. And there really is such a character on this farm, his name is Bao Bao, he is the shepherd of this farm. The owner of this farm had a pretty interesting idea to keep these cute animals here. Not only children but adults also learn interesting lessons about animals at this farm. This is necessary because with the development of today's life, many people only see animals on television.















When we come here, we not only have the opportunity to see the interesting animals here, but we also have the opportunity to learn about their food, feed them and learn how to take care of them. I really like this idea, it is a good idea if I return to live in my hometown, central highlands of Vietnam, in the future. Maybe I will have a farm like this. Thank you for taking the walking tour with me today. I hope you enjoy the walk with me too. I wish you a good day.


Because we have a homestead it feels like we live in a petting zoo! But for those that do not have the privilege, I love the idea of a petting zoo. Goats, of course are my favourite, but I always want to trim the wool of the Angora and Kashmir goats - how do they see?

They look happy there. The Kashmir goát have privilege to go around the farm. I love his hair like that, he looks so cool.

its great that city kids can be brough here to experience a more rural life and the animals, I think the Alpacas have to be my favorite
beautiful captures and post

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

I like the Kashmir goats more, they look so cool in real life. It's great to have this place near the city too.

Ohh yes they were so cute

What a fun walk and so many cute animals. You got some great angles of the farm too.

Thank you very much Sara.
I really enjoyed the time at the farm. The animals there are friendly too.

Congratulations @dodovietnam, you have received a 75% upvote. I'm the Vietnamese Community bot developed by witness @quochuy and powered by community HP delegations

muchas veces toca despegarse mediante la naturaleza

Muchas gracias por su visita! ¡Que tenga un lindo día!

Ôi farm này xinh quá anh ơi. !! Lên ĐL em lại ko đi mấy farm nhiều híc

Cái này Hà dẫn anh đi á, cũng thú vị lắm e, mấy con ni thân thiện lắm.

Wow, chỗ này đẹp quá anh ơi. Mấy bạn nhỏ dưới tấm con gà là mấy bạn hamster đúng không anh.

đúng rồi e, ý tưởng có một farm nho nhỏ như thế này hay thật.

em mê hamster:v
Em có suy nghĩ chủ trang trại thuộc tip yêu động vật nữa. Haha 👍

a thấy e hợp sau này về mở trang trại kiểu như ri.

Lol so many guinea pigs probably all wheeking at the same time.

Yep they are quite noisy when they are hungry, but they are so cute.

Ui, em không nghĩ Đà Lạt lại có mấy chỗ dễ thương như này luôn á anh😄, cưng gê

Uhm ý tưởng này hay thật, Đà Nẵng có chỗ như thế này chắc cũng sẽ đông lắm.

Yay! 🤗
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Qua lens của anh nhìn đẹp quá ạ

Great photography of the farm and all the cute farm animals.
I really enjoyed it.

Thank you very much, I'm happy that you like it.

That’s a very clean and tidy farm. Beautiful photos.

Thank you very much friend.

Ui mấy con cừu vs thỏ cute ghê á. Em phải lưu địa điểm này lại ms đc. Cảm ơn anh đã share địa điểm này nhé. Nhất định lần tới đi ĐL phải ghé.

Anh cũng vô tình biết được chỗ này, hơi xa trung tâm tí nhưng rất thú vị để check e nhé.

dạ okie a nè.

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Nice photos and close ups again, thanks for sharing !

Uhh everytime i see alpacas on pictures i wanna touch them haha, so sweet!!