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RE: Small upgrade on bikes and Wednesday ride in the woods πŸš΄β€β™€ (9 pictures)

in Wednesday Walk β€’ 2 years ago

For me, it is a balance of both. I need to disconnect and be still or without the noise of it, but, there are times it is the thing I love doing.

It really is hard to find a position for two! Don't breathe!

I always wear a helmet. I had a rule for my children when they were little and I have to lead by example. :) I like your new seat! We cannot say how important the right one is!

A beautiful walk as you ride! I was running behind you! Thanks for taking me along!

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I can feel you as sometimes I am a little bit of both too! But lately, I feel more the need of being in nature and away from people in general.

That's a nice example you give to your children and definitely very important to learn how needed a helmet is from the younger ages. Thank you for joining me and I hope you have a great Wednesday! πŸ’š