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RE: A day to unwind your mind!

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

It looks truly fantastic, and a little bit deadly too if you get stranded in the area 😁

I want to see the house carved in the mountains! Is it a cave? like a bat cave?

I would have taken a million pictures of the waterfall for my Instagram haha, in slow motion and from every angles.

Don't worry you don't look thick; it's just the shadow ^^ Thanks for this, that's my favourite thing to do a walk like this!


Hahha, not a bat cave :)) 🦇

Looking from the yard you don't notice it is a real cave. My friend's grandparents carved it, than her parents built a part with walls so you look at 'normal house' appearance that is attached to the mountains. But when you enter, the inner rooms are in the rock, having always almost the same temperature inside. For summer great, for winter too!

Man, it must be epic! Swimming pool?

They have it too. A small one, but have it!!