Wednesday Walk in Northwood: Rainy Days and Fungi

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

As we've had a lot of rainfall in the past couple of days, we set off on a circular walk hoping the wet weather had produced a lot of fungi in the woods. Fingers crossed!

Each year, there are usually batches of fly agarics (amanita muscaria). They are poisonous so will give you stomach issues and hallucinations if eaten, but they look quite striking.

After the rain, the trees and moss looked a vibrant green. Rain always brings the wood alive, while you on the other hand, feel like a drowned rat!

I did the same walk a few days ago and hardly saw any fungi. Today was different though. They had literally popped up overnight and had quickly become full grown.

I sometimes bump into other fungi lovers while out walking and everybody seems to like the fly agarics, in particular. It must be the red colour that is so attractive to people. They're also easy to spot in the wood!

The wet weather had definitely helped bring all sorts of fungi out. You only have a short time scale to see them at their best. Unfortunately, a lot get damaged along the way.

#wednesdaywalk is initiated by @tattoodjay.


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Thank you for sharing.

I wish I lived this close to a wooded area. I still get to see an occasional fungi in my front yard. 😁

Oh, well it's better than nothing! 😁

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Yesterday in my Country it was food poisoning by mushrooms but everyone is okay. These ones looks beautiful but be careful haha
And this forest is awesome, can you imagine at night how scary it is

They're definitely not going on my plate! If you ever go for a midnight walk in the wood, start without me. 😁

I had like to know the difference between mushrooms and fungi, it's kind off confusing, from this pictures and the article, I could only see mushrooms, and in my hometown here in Nigeria, we eat mushrooms, it is used to prepare soups, and it is very delicious. What I felt fungi looks like was in the picture in the second frame, like greenish on the trees that looks scary and untouchable, but all these ones that looks like mushrooms are confusing me.
I need more clarity on that.
Thank you

Unfortunately, I'm no expert. I see fungi as a generic term for edible mushrooms and toadstools/or poisonous ones. I never know which are poisonous or edible so I stay safe and buy mushrooms from the supermarket. 🙂