Results of potrek ornamental croton plants

in Wednesday Walk3 months ago


Puring ornamental plant is one of the ornamental plants that is still preserved in various regions, including in our area of ​​Indonesia. This plant is still one of the plants to decorate home gardens and also to decorate offices. If we look at it at a glance, it looks like a flower with long, large leaves, but this plant also has a height. which is different from other ornamental plants, we can categorize this as a large ornamental plant, but this ornamental plant does not have flowers, it is only beautiful with its leaves. However, even so, ornamental plants without flowers are still very popular among people because they don't get bored and we never get bored looking at them. The bright leaves are not only yellow, but also have other types such as red and also dark brown and this are different types of plants but have the same name, namely the croton dasi ornamental plant. After taking several pictures with my smartphone camera and I will share them with friends as my daily job this Wednesday, I become a photographer on Wednesdays. namely photographing the Croton ornamental plant.







