Wednesday's Wet Walk - Henri Pittier National Park | Parque Nacional Henri Pittier

in Wednesday Walklast year


Happy Wednesday everyone, in this walk I share with you a really special walk. The contact with nature is really comforting. That is why it is an obligation for me to go out and get in touch with it as much as possible. It brings a lot of joy and tranquility.

Feliz miércoles a todos, en esta caminata les comparto un paseo realmente especial. Y es que el contacto con la naturaleza es realmente reconfortante. Por eso es una obligación para mí salir a contactarme con ella lo más posible. Eso me trae mucha alegría y tranquilidad.


Before entering this national park there is a beautiful viewpoint where you can see Valencia and Maracay.

Antes de entrar a este parque Nacional hay un mirador muy hermoso en donde puedes ver a Valencia y a Maracay.


Once you start to climb and enter this park is really incredible, the whole environment becomes really magical, there is fog, towering trees, dense and very large bushes, it is a beauty to contemplate this type of jungle.

Una vez comienzas a subir y adentrarte a este parque es realmente increíble, todo el entorno se hace realmente mágico, hay neblina, árboles altísimos, matas densas y muy grandes, es toda una belleza contemplar este tipo de selva.





And the best thing is that after this magical walk you must descend and reach this beautiful paradise, this beach is called Bahía de Cata and is one of the most recommended places to stroll and take a refreshing swim in its beautiful and rich waters.

Y lo mejor es que luego de ese paseo mágico debes descender y llegar a este hermoso paraíso, esta playa se llama Bahía de Cata y es uno de los lugares más recomendados para pasear y darse un baño reparador en sus hermosas y ricas aguas.


See you next Wednesday. To continue sharing in this great initiative of @tattoodjay and @elizacheng.

Reveal spoiler

Nos vemos el próximo miércoles! Para seguir compartiendo en esta gran iniciativa de @tattoodjay y @elizacheng.
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La cámara que uso es una Canon Eos20D y edito en Lightroom. Todos los escritos fotos, viñetas y pinturas son de mi autoría.

The camera I use is a Canon Eos20D and I edit in Lightroom. All writings, photos, vignettes and paintings are of my authorship.

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❤️🧡💛!Hasta el próximo post!💜!See you later!💜💙💚!


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What a lovely place - I love the photos !

Thanks, this place is magic!

what a beautiful area, those scenic views to start with are ao amazing, and such a contrast from the fog and the magical feel it gives one

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk, its my pleasure to host it and see all the posts each week from all around the world, including yours, if you have time visit some of the other walks this week there are so many interesting ones

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