Wednesday Walk to The WORLD's Toughest Hard Enduro Rallye (30 pictures)

in Wednesday Walk β€’ 2 years ago

Hey, photo lovers! πŸ’›
How are you spending this beautiful Wednesday? 😊

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For me, living in Sibiu is definitely one of the best places in Romania not just because you are in the center of the country and literally close to the mountains and outdoor expeditions, but also because (at least) during the summer, most likely you will spend time at home just to sleep while all day long will take you from a festival to another, from a championship to a concert, from a show to a tournament, and so on.

There are, literally, endless possibilities how to spend your time at no cost, Sibiu being home for many international races and tournaments unique in the country and even world. However, the one I'm going to share pictures of and also write a few words, will go all the way to The World's Toughest Hard Enduro Rallye entitled quite short, ROmaniacs. 🏁




It's been already 17 years since Sibiu started to be the host of the world's toughest hard enduro rallye which yearly brings hundreds of riders from all over the world in a single place, to compete against each other but also have fun and delight the sight of the fans.

Anyway, being a huge fan of adrenaline and especially motorcycles, I couldn't miss the chance to see this one because even if the racers were going to have all kind of trails, these couldn't be reached by the fans so on the 25th and 26th of July they made a special show for the audience.



The sad part is that the event doesn't enjoy much promotion and hence why very few people realize what major event is going to take part in Sibiu even if they see riders everywhere. We took the bus to reach the center where they were going to make a parade, and people were still confused why the main street is closed and what's with riders in the whole city.

That's also the reason that along with very few people who were waiting for the parade to start, we heard maximum 3 people speaking Romanian while all the others were either supporters of the riders or fans coming in Romania just for the sake of seeing the world's toughest hard enduro rallye which takes the participants on the roofs, vertical slopes, over logs, tires, and a lot more!




Of course, being an enthusiast of the sports that involve bikes and adrenaline, the hardest part was to wait everything to start especially that the parade didn't begin when it was supposed to, but I used this time to take some quick pictures with a very popular bridge in Sibiu for the tourists, entitled Podul Minciunilor (EN: Bridge of Lies).





Ten minutes later, the beautiful sound made by enduro bikes started to be heard and the parade of the nations began bringing hundreds of riders from no less than 52 countries from all continents of the world, in a single place.

Along with most of the riders that were waving proudly the flag with their country, there were even some which came with a partner including their girlfriends, wives, or even kids. Some of the bravest ones also performed a wheelie for the delirium of the public!






After the parade ended, we made it all the way to one of the main streets of Sibiu, St. Corneliu Coposu, where lots of obstacles and slopes were arranged for the show the riders wanted to make for the spectators.

Everything was arranged very nicely with lots of places where people could stay to watch the show of the riders that risk their lives yearly on trails where people don't even dare to go for a simple walk.








As soon as the media show has ended, there was held a little conference with some of the best riders in all categories available including Matthias Walkner who is Dakar Rally winner in 2018 and two times world rally raid champion.

There were even some official cars of Red Bull looking absolutely incredible which I couldn't miss the chance to take pictures of. πŸ˜€





The event is still undergoing and it will end this Saturday, but just like the slogan of ROmaniacs says "In Madness We Trust", there is no chance not to want to see this kind of event at least one time in your life. In plus, all the trails are shared LIVE on the official social media platforms for people all over the world who want to watch the show in real-time.


I'm sorry if this post turned into a real article instead of a collage of pictures but I couldn't hide my excitement to write more of everything you will see in the pictures attached. πŸ˜€

P.S.: @bluemoon I'm sure you would have loved to see this in real life, so make sure not to miss it next year! 😁

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Important NOTE:

  • all the pictures attached are mine and were taken by me;
  • I used my phone to take these which is a Huawei Nova 5T;
  • this post has been created exclusively for the Hive community and its members;
  • I reserve all the rights for anything written and attached to this article.

~ @GabrielaTravels ~

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This looks like so much fun!
I absolutely love the architecture and overall vibe there. What a place to race.

Hell yeah! Felt so much adrenaline even only by watching the show and seeing the racers flying over obstacles. I'm already looking forward to the next edition! Will also make sure to wear an official t-shirt then 😁

I WISH we had races this cool here. We have a few oval ring, but that’s about it & two of them just closed down due to bad financial management.

We have a few more like the rally with the classic cars that will be in around two weeks which I'll go see as well, and then one more off road which just ended but didn't take the time to write about it.

Might be a few more in other parts of Romania but being so passionate about vehicles and adrenaline, I always try my best not to miss these from the city where I'm living.

Maybe one day you'll visit Romania just for the sake of these races as they are pretty close to each other all being held in just 30 days πŸ’ͺ🏻

Have you ever had the chance to ride shotgun in one of these cars?
Sounds like Romania is a great place for these types of events. I'm glad you have a way to get that adrenaline rush that you crave, I know how that feels.

No, not yet. But Romania definitely has lots of opportunities in terms of activities that make the adrenaline pump in your veins ❀️

NOw I know you love cycling, but moto cross and enduro is something i love watching i used to race in my late teens and twenties, have the aches and pains to prove it now as I get older LOL

So cool you haver so many interesting events going on there, and this event I have seen on TV one year :)

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Oh really? That's so cool to have a confirmation from you that it was seen on TV! I heard that there are transmissions all over the world from this championship but didn't take it for granted by now.

Yeah, enduro looks like a mix between mountain bike and motorcycles in my opinion. So loving both motorcycles and MTB adventures, is impossible not to love enduro too!

Who knows, maybe if hive goes to the moon one day, I'll buy an enduro motorbike with some of it and participate in the race, lol, how cool would it be? 😁

Ohh yes that would be so cool
I won’t ride again to many crashes doing motocross way back then and in winter I feel the aches from it

Plus my wife knows I am crazy and if I got a bike espy off road I would go crazy on it so she has vetoed that idea lol

Haha, I can feel you! Most likely I won't be able to control my excitement riding one too!

it is fun I must say :)

I loved this entry. I am so anxious to get out and discover new things.

Sadly in my country they don't do this kind of event anymore but at least I get to see them through #Hive and thanks to your blog.

I loved traveling with you ( even if virtually).

Thanks so much! There will be a few more interesting races that I'll soon write about. I'm really blessed with so many things to do and see in Sibiu!