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RE: A wonderful Wednesday walk to the top of Wheeler Peak Wilderness

Ah, those coconut oilbergs. Cold coconut oil is probably the number one cause of rage on campsites. Something like this:

This spoon is doing nothing! Where the hell is the knife?
Finds a fork.
This fork is doing nothing! Where the hell is the knife?
Finds a spork.
This spork is doing nothing! Where the hell is the knife?
Considers throwing glass jar against rock...

Anyway. I hope your cough gets better soon. Need a shot of fire cider with that morning coconut oil.

I can't properly imagine your level of cold, but your pictures certainly look cold and fresh and brisk. The scenery reminds me of the only time I have seen snow, which happened to also be in New Mexico. It wasn't a very cold day in April. I don't think I was even wearing long sleeves. We were standing out in the middle of nowhere somewhere, and a cloud just blew in, it got cold all of the sudden, and a teeny bit of loveliness fell from the sky, and then it was gone. Such an odd, ethereal experience.

I'm sure @otherbrandt was very busy on that morning and is completely blameless. Probably he was peeing on the other side of the road, and the truck driver was staring at him. Such a hero - always taking one of the team.


Considers throwing glass jar against rock

I have certainly considered such things at times, but then that would mean @otherbrandt would have to go clean up the mess, and that guy already has more on his plate than he can handle. Sometimes I think he is just one empty beer can in the woods away from losing his goddamn mind.

Your single snow experience sounds surreal. I didn't grow up with snow as a kid but ever since early adulthood I've had gobs of it every winter. If you ever want to visit Leadville and have a 99% chance of not seeing snow then you will have to come in July. That's your window, one month.


I will keep those snow odds in mind. A name like Leadville - it sounds cold and bleak. And @otherbrandt might enjoy insanity. Who knows.

Leadville can be very cold and snowy and sometimes bleak, but it gets a lot of sunshine. So you could walk outside one day in January and it might be 15 outside but not a cloud in the sky and feels like freezing. Shorts weather.

I lived in Leadville for almost 5 years. It's a cool town but recently it's started getting discovered and ruined by rich people looking for vacation homes. I doubt I'll ever live there again.

Did someone say insanity? Here I am.