All the fun of the Fair as seen through the lens of the disenchanted. Leipzig.

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago


One thing was evident in my trip around the former GDR, they enjoy not only their festive markets at Easter but also circuses and fun fairs.


I took an early evening stroll enjoying the warmth of the last rays of the day.



The park was not overly crowded, I guess the visitors come later as the sun sets, and the light fades. At 4 euros for a bag of chips and 3 euro for a can of cola ( and I bet its rola cola that costs cents in lidl) I don't know how much business this guy will be doing.


Sex sells..........?


Though Mr. Medallion man and his mate seem quite disinterested, or worn out, expending all their energy riding the "Hard Rock Express", ain't never gonna happen fellas.



Some of the more sedate attractions draw the punters in with elaborate and decorative facades.



Whereas thrill seekers, need no such encouragement to part with their money, or their 4euro bag of chips.


But of course don't get distracted for one milli-second from your instasnap or chatagram accounts, life is too short; got to see what the trending "celeb" is doing in their life, or what some hyped up pop star is having for dinner. Or how some no mark( get a proper job) "influencer" will control my life.


A fool and his money is soon parted


The stalls laid out with fantastic looking prizes ( I bet no one has ever won a mountain bike or a drone), to draw in the gullible, most will walk away with nothing more than a keyring for their 5euros a go efforts.


Oh! hang on.




So as I made my way to the nearest bar for a well deserved Weissbier, punters kept hooking a duck and thrill seekers kept their adrenalin pumping.

Me? I am just a disenchanted cynic in that "Crazy World"


You're such a cynic. I came home with a pink, blown up alien once .... and that's all I'm saying. 😃

cheers @ellenripley

I came home with a pink, blown up alien once.

Hmmmm, Chesterfield you said? I have heard that is pretty normal in them there parts!

Absolutely! It was nearly a helium filled dinosaur today but I stopped myself! 😃

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These are some beautiful sight and place, worth spending my money to have a good time.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

That guy probably paid well over 50€ for that bear. Maybe over 150 haha

Probably paid but the stand owner to walk around with it 😂

Haha yeah. I wouldn't doubt that.

lol @leaky20 he is either very brave/stupid/or on a promise !!

O what a fun… loved going through the photographs of this fair, but your comments made my day hahaha lol 😂

cheers @littlebee4 , just my silly lopsided view on life,

Cheers @grindle 😁
Keep going… it makes life much more interesting 🤩
Have an awesome new week!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You nailed it there but seems a good day out for you viewing the people in their zoo 👌🏽

cheers @vibeof100monkeys made a change from climbing through windows

I do love the fair for photos, but generally from a distance and when not many people are around, I hate crowds and wont go near one if its packed

I wonder how much that get spent to get that big bear, or is he working for the fair walking around with it to fool people into thinking they could win it

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

cheers @tattoodjay

.......or is he working for the fair walking around with it to fool people into thinking they could win it

and I thought I was the cynical one 😂

LOL I guess I can match you or surpass you on the cynical states from time to time

I haven't really went to a fair since I was a kid, and this sort of makes me melancholic, but it's a good reminder that I should enjoy more life because you can have fun in a fair on both 7 or 70 years old!

Thanks for engaging @gabrielatravels , must be honest in my area of the world, travelling fairs are very rare these days, growing up it was something to look forward to........then the theme parks arrived