An adventure. Central America November 22.

in Wednesday Walk9 months ago

So this is a journey over three weeks last year.( I know I am late but hell I take so many snaps, it is hard to keep up with myself).

It is something I have had to postpone twice due to the covey malarkey. It was supposed to be done in 2020, then 2021! I had actually secured my place and paid a hefty deposit back in 2019.

Normality returned last year. Well I say normality, in all honesty it was shocking depressing the number of people still walking round wearing face nappies.


The trip snaps I have only just got round to uploading and will probably take for ever to share with you. Stick with me, I hope you will enjoy the journey.

A walk to the National Museum of Anthropology

Mexico City at last, and what better time to be in the country than for the festival Día de los Muertos. that is why I am here at this time of year. AND it is the weekend of the Fi Grand Prix. It was packed it was buzzing it was fucking awesome.

Let's walk and see some random stuff.


El Caballito a 90ft steel sculpture built in 1992, it is also a discharge stack, used to dissipate vapours on Paseo de la Reforma


A Chinese chippy, just across the avenue.



Just some modern architecture.



The Fountain of Diana the Huntress built in 1938, in the centre of a traffic roundabout, in the background the Angel de la Libertad, built in 1910 to commemorate the 100 yrs anniversary of Mexico's war of independence.



By Adry de Rocio and Carlos Alberto on the facade of Hotel Fontán it is called the ‘Tree of Life’.



Street food for anyone who fancies a mid morning snacklet; a bit early for me, besides I still had half a packet of custard cream biscuits in my bag that I hadn't scoffed on the plane so my energy levels won't fall.



It was evident early on that here in Mexico they are lovers of garish, bright colours,

Speaking of which, a whole bunch of oversized weird and wonderful figures were being placed on the pavement, they all seemed to be individually numbered, maybe it was a contest for the most inventive and amusing object d'art.








So anyways we arrive at the National Museum of Anthropology, not my favourite place to be, I just feel that organised museums are a bit stuffy.



A captive audience here for 90 minutes, there is only so much coffee that can be drunk, so here are a few shots of ancient, really ancient artefacts.


( or a few that were made overnight, out of plasticine?)








Someone is showing off with his fancy dan underpants!





Wow… what a trip. So looking forward to seeing more.
You notice right away where it is with all the colours and art.
The mural is awesome 😎
Have a great Wednesday 👋🏻😊

cheers @littlebee4 , I think I have at last at least uploaded the snaps from my camera and working through them, three posts a week should see me to February LOL

I received my new card reader… but haven’t found the time to get the photos off the camera hahaha hopefully this weekend.
Slowly but steady you will get through them.
That will get you indeed far… !LOL awesome!
Have a great Friday and enjoy your weekend.

I booked our next trip to some snow ❄️ yesterday… ok just the flights the rest I need to sort out. We go in 2 weeks again 😃

Why does Davy Jones never bend his knees?
Cause they're always Kraken

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New art vs old pieces staggering difference between the two, both enjoyable to experience especially those smart underpants, unique!

Another region under your belt you sure know how to get around.


I have wanderlust LOL, hell I have worked all my life have an amazing family now with their children all doing well, I travel, thats it nothing else.

Was my plan until change happened here, now simply not able due to exchange rates, hanging on edge of cliff most days!

ah, bad shit

Shit happens...

shame we can't shit upwards

Oh yes! The answer 🤣

How are you dear friend @grindle good morning
What a shame that the trip was so delayed, the good thing is that you have finally been able to do it and take beautiful photographs of the places you have visited. Thank you very much for participating in the journey through the beautiful shots
Have a nice Wednesday walk.

cheers @jlufer yes all good thiongs come to those that wait, it was a wonderful trip, and I thank you for your kind words and comments

WOW what an awesome post and an amazing trip you had even if it was put off for years
LOve all the cool art and so much other things of interest to see

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

cheers @tattoodjay much appreciate your words as ever

The murals are unbelievable, so beautiful!

cheers @danigada18 thanks for stopping by, yes amazing bits of street art

Oh, paid the deposit in 2019 and went on the trip in 2022... but I am sure it was worth waiting for the huge Central America adventure 😇

you know what?????

Iyt was wiothout a doubt worth it, has to be one of the top 5 trips sver

If my husband reads this, he will push a bit more for a trip to that side of the ocean (on his bucket list) 😉

I hope you get there, it has to be in my top five trips

No, it was definitely unforgivable that you didn't share these photos.
I loved the ones of the dolls and the feet..... well, all of them.
Hahaha....crazy potatoes (papas lokas) and potato naked? (papas encueradas 😂) (that salesman sure has a good sense of humor).

cheers @nanixxx thanks for your kind comments, and making sense of the words, crazy potatoes, think i should have tried them!!!!

What about naked potatoes, have you tried them? 🤣

i guess they be potatoes that have been peeled.... yup my kind of potato

I love these pics - they are great. Looks like you found some cool places to visit on your travels.

@grindle! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ hoosie. (6/10)

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Where do cats go for fun?
An a-mews-ment park

Credit: reddit
@grindle, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of hoosie



cheers @hoosie i sure did!! wonderful trip


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@hoosie(6/15) tipped @grindle

Lovely to see your first upload from your Central American travels. I have been to Mexico City but eons ago. It doesn't change - still as colourful as ever. There are lots of great foods to sample. I am sure your were careful as you would have heard about Montezuma's revenge. 😀

Loved the trip, many many uploads to come, completed without erm "incident".... and that was eating all sorts from anywhere that took my fancy. has to be in my top five places in the world. Hope you enjoy my journey