Walking around a medieval castle!

in Wednesday Walk7 months ago (edited)

On my way to the city of Ghent in Belgium I came accros this 13th century castle!
It's in the town of Laarne, and it's one of the most beautiful and best preserved water surrounded castles in Belgium!

I arived very early and because of that, the castle was still closed, they open on 13:00 hour!
That was a to long of a wait for me, so i just walked around a bit!

The entrance is already very beautiful, and because of that the castle still was closed, I could park wright in front of it!


There was another beauty parked at the neighbors!


And a half of a sculpture playing hopscotch, that's what google told me is the translation of the Dutch word "hinkelen"


This awesome long lane starts out in the village and you walk straight up to the castle!


Along the way these beautiful flowers!



The first building on the right are the old stables! the transformed them to an beautiful restaurant! To bad it's also closed!







And from the terrace, you have a beautiful view of the castle!
This is so cool if you could drink a beer here with this view!



Walking around the stables to the front of the castle give you a pretty good idea how beautiful it must be inside! It was almost if I was back in the middle-ages!




And there was a wedding shoot! How cool is that! Wedding pictures at a castle from the year 1295!


The view from the bridge!




Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Pinmapple profile!

And if you want to follow my daily life, I often post stories and pictures off all the tings I do in life on my Instagram account!


What a magnificent castle! It must've made for unforgettable wedding photos. But.... Imagine living there. I loved wandering the castles and their gardens when I lived in the UK. Now I'm disappointed that I never explored any castles in Belgium!

But Belgium also has got many castle

And now I regret not exploring them

I am sorry🙈

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Such a beautiful area that hopscotch statue is different which for ma make sit so cool, and WOW that castle is awesome

Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk :)

Your welcome👍