#Wednesday Walk - A Walk to Ku D'Ta Pier in Durban

in Wednesday Walk8 months ago

This post is for the #wednesdaywalk challenge and the #makemesmile challenge collaboration. This collaboration initially took place once a month, but due to its popularity, @tattoodjay (of the #wednesdaywalk) and @elizacheng (of #makemesmile) decided to make it a weekly thing.

If you want to know more about the rules, visit this week's post by @tattoodjay where you will find all the rules at the bottom of his post after you've enjoyed his beautiful photos from his walk.

Last weekend I planned to get some photos of the sun rising over the ocean... but the weather didn't play along.

We left home on Sunday morning at about 4 am. It was still dark and it was misty. At times there was even a bit of "misty" drizzling rain coming down...

I decided to give it a go anyway, in the hope that it would slightly clear up in time and that we would be able to at least get a glimpse of the sun. The sun was expected to appear just before 5 am. So, the first signs of daylight start appearing from about 4:30 am.

I wanted to take photos in the area of the Ku D'Ta Pier. The pier is situated right next to Point Beach in Durban, South Africa. To the left of the pier is Ushaka Beach and to the right is Point Beach.

The plan was to park at Ushaka Beach. But, as we arrived in the area, we found that all the roads giving access to all the main beaches along the Golden Mile were closed off. This means that, with the holiday season coming in December, they are already planning to transport people in their masses via taxis and buses to the beaches along the Golden Mile in Durban... And that is exactly why you won't find us anywhere near that area from now on.

Due to the roads being blocked, I drove through the Point area, taking a little detour, and we approached the pier from the opposite side.

I parked our car on the opposite side of Ushaka Marine World, in Point, next the the Point Waterfront Canal.

From there we took a walk to the pier on the beach.

At least, although it was still a bit misty, it wasn't raining. We walked past the Waterfront Canal which is home to more than 50 species of fish.


It was a peaceful scene (at 4:30 am) with some Gondola Boats visible.


Outside the Canal area, you can see these two huge anchors.


We continued our walk to the pier.

Arriving on the promenade, just above the beach, Point Beach was to the right...


From here, it is easy to get access to Point Beach...


As you can see, some fishermen were already active on the beach.


To our left, just above the beach, where you get access to the pier, is the Ku D'Ta Restaurant.


From here, the city of Durban is visible along the Golden Mile. As you can see in this photo, it was still very cloudy and a bit misty. According to the app on my phone, the sun was now supposed to make its appearance...but there was no sign of the sun.

As you can also see...there is not a soul in sight at this hour, which is why this is the only time you'll find me anywhere near a beach in Durban at this time of year...lol!


The Ku D'Ta Restaurant (in the previous photo), also has a little venue right at the end of the pier.

I took a short walk toward Point Beach to get some shots of it.


As you can see, the sea was very calm...


Every now and then, a little wave would make its appearance and gently pass through under the pier.


I managed to get a little bit of a reflection in the shallow water...


Getting access to the pier...


Walking up to the venue on the pier...which was still locked at 5 am in the morning...and still no sign of the sun...lol!


We started our walk back to the car again.

Although we had more daylight by now, there was still no sign of the sun. I'll have to get those photos I had in mind at another time...

We passed the Waterfront Canal again, with the Point area visible in the background.


Getting some reflections in the canal water.


The harbor was straight ahead of us, And just before we turned left onto the road where our car was parked, this ship caught my attention, towering out in front of us, as if it was another building, blending in with its surroundings.


And that's it for today, folks!

Thank you for reading my post! I do appreciate it!


One place I have never visited, have been to Ushaka but missed Ku D'Ta Pier completely unless it has been constructed in the last couple of years.

Thanks for your walk about it's showing me some places I missed !LOLZ

I saw 4 guys beating up 1 guy so i stopped to help.
He had no chance against all 5 of us.

Credit: reddit
@jacoalberts, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of joanstewart

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

I'm glad I could show you a place you haven't seen yet, @joanstewart! I'm not exactly sure about the history, but it has been there for quite a number of years now.

About two years ago we popped in there early in the morning just as they opened and we had some coffee. But we were literally the only people there. I get the impression their busy times are more in the evenings, and from what I see on their Facebook page and website, it would not really be our scene. But if you like crowds and a lot of noise, I suppose it's a different story...lol.

I also found some negative reviews about their service. So, we've never been back there and I doubt if we would.

But nothing wrong with having your own (peaceful) fun and getting some interesting photos of the area...or what do you say...lol?

Not one for cities on the best of days, cannot imagine going to a noisy place for fun!

Always interesting to see what they have developed at a distance through your lens !LOLZ

Where do bad rainbows go?
Prism, it's a light sentence.

Credit: reddit
@jacoalberts, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of joanstewart

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

cannot imagine going to a noisy place for fun!

I agree! This is exactly why I would rather settle for taking photos during the quiet hour and avoid it when it gets noisy...LOL!

Always interesting to see what they have developed at a distance through your lens !

Thank you for saying that, @joanstewart! I appreciate it!

Living with noise is a nightmare, something I try escape!

Same here...LOL!

Ah good thing you still manage to visit the place or else, you won't able to capture this wonderful photos

That changes in transportation was it for the better?

Thank you, @lhes! I'm glad you enjoyed my photos!

The transportation you are referring to... Are you talking about the buses and taxis I mentioned...transporting people in their masses to the beaches...?

That doesn't affect us in the least. It is just a clear sign that the beaches are getting very crowded from now on...and we don't like crowds. So we just avoid going to those beaches. We rather go to smaller, quieter beaches over these times (holiday seasons).

Un excelente paseo mañanero me encanta la playa y esa es espectacular el muelle es precioso espero que salga el sol en cualquier momento, los pescadores empezaron su día temprano, gracias por compartir este relajante paseo bendiciones ✨🌞

I'm glad you enjoyed my photos, @nill2021! Yes, the fishermen started their day very early! Unfortunately, the sun didn't come out and it was a cloudy day all day long...lol.

But it was a relaxing walk indeed!

Thank you for stopping by! You must have a great day!

Weather can be so fickle cant it, I can relate to heading out at 4, I do that often I am always awake by then, some times you get a nice sunrise other days not so much but getting out in the fresh air always makes it worthwhile

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

That is so true what you are saying...lol. Yes, I have noted that you are often heading out at 4! It is such a beautiful time of day...weather permitting. But as you say, getting out in the fresh air makes it worthwhile! No doubt about that!

yes this time of year weather permittingis key LOL

have a great day

Absolutely! Thank you, and you too!

This looks like a great walk :) I wonder why it's so early...just for fun or was there some other commitment later?

Thanks for sharing, have a great day ❤️.

We went so early just for fun and in the hope of getting some photos of the sun rising over the ocean if the clouds would clear up in time...but they didn't...lol! But we still had fun!

I'm glad you enjoyed my photos, @lauramica! Have a great day!

Maybe they were not the photographs you had planned to take, dear friend @jacoalberts, but let me tell you that they are all very beautiful
Thank you very much for sharing these beautiful photographs.
Have a beautiful afternoon

Hi @jlufer! Thank you for your kind words and your positive feedback! I do appreciate it!

I'm glad you enjoyed my photos! Have a great day👍!