Strutting Along on the Turkey Trot

in Wednesday Walk8 months ago

Thanksgiving Day started off a little different this year. My husband and our two girls and I did the “Turkey Day 5k” in Minneapolis. Most of these events are called “Turkey Trots” but Minneapolis is not a March-in-line kind of city.

This post is for Wednesday Walk hosted by @tattoodjay, by the way. I haven’t participated in a while, so it’s fun to be back!

Anyway, there was a lot that was wonderful about this experience, including doing something fun with my family, but let’s start off with what was not so great. We had to get up at 6 am on a holiday! And it was only 26 degrees Fahrenheit for the walk. Brrr!


Yes, that's my daughter, and instead of wearing the recommended winter coat, hat and gloves, she was wearing a lightweight fleece! Here's a picture from my phone about half an hour into the walk.


Fortunately we were all in good spirits, and once we got moving it was a little better. My older daughter took off with the runners, and the other three of us did the walk.

I have no idea who these people are, but they didn't mind me taking a picture of their cute hats.


For most of the walk, I trailed a bit behind my husband and daughter partly because I broke my foot a year ago and it still isn't quite right, but also because I wanted to get pictures of some of the Minneapolis landmarks. It was so fascinating to be walking along the completely empty streets of downtown. They had all been blocked off for the event.


I can't name all of the landmarks, unfortunately, but in the next few pictures, you can see the famous Gold Medal Flour sign, the River Parkway, Mill Ruins Park, and the North Star Blankets building







Here we are passing behind the Guthrie Theater, where we regularly go to see stage plays.


And here's the U.S. Bank Stadium, also known as Vikings Stadium.


We didn't get a good look at the famous Stone Arch Bridge, but these metal arches are right near it.


In the next few pictures, there are some nice views of some of the nicer downtown buildings, and the crowd. (As I recall, there were something like 6,000 people there.)



At one point, I finally offered my warm coat to my daughter and we switched. I was plenty warm by then, and had several layers under the winter coat. She was much happier and more comfortable after that.

At last! The finish line!


My older daughter was waiting for us, and of course she had gotten chilled, since she finished her run probably at least 45 minutes before we finished the walk.


Here's a picture of me and the girls. You can tell it was windy because their race numbers flew up in the wind. We couldn't wait to head for hot showers!


We got some pretty spiffy medals at the end!


Thanks for coming along on the Turkey Trot!


Photo credits: All of the photos in this post were taken by me with my iphone and belong to me, unless otherwise noted.

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Awesome post and happy turkey day!

I would also like to invite you to the free compliments community!


Thank you!

You're very welcome and have an amazing day today!

This is such a wonderful idea. It looks positively chilly, but the race forces you to get out there and get some exercise. Sorry to hear your leg hasn't healed fully. Hopefully getting out there and doing the walk helps strengthen the bones and muscles. If nothing else, you got a nifty medal and some fantastic family time.

It's all about the family time and the nifty medal! 😂

It takes much dedication to go for walks, especially at this time of year, so this is lovely to see. Plus, I always appreciate seeing street scenes:)

I love to walk all year round, but I have learned that you absolutely have to bundle up for cold weather. Hopefully my daughter will learn that too. 😂

Great to see you, @millycf1976!

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

Thank you, and my pleasure, @tattoodjay!

The walk must have really been quite fun even though it must have been long

Turkey Trot was a good reason to walk/run... as a family.
Speaking of family. You are a very beautiful family with two equally beautiful girls, it was nice to see you. The first photo is gorgeous!
It was great to see you, @jayna and I'm glad everything looks good!

Thank you so much, @bluemoon. And it's very nice to see you too!

It was a pleasure. Thank you too!


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Congratulations for all of You. It seems to be a Nice walk. It is very Nice to see the people enjoying the traditions.

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Brrr doing a 5K in those temps thats awesome

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

Have a great day

This has been a wonderful walk through your photos :) It's super nice that you have such an activity there which is a great way to have more fun with your family.


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