My thin spirit aligning with mother nature. #Wednesday walk.

in Wednesday Walk11 months ago (edited)


I woke up in a dim mood, maybe it was because I was thinking so much about where to go experience nature, and I stated in my introduction post that I was in love with nature, true...who won't be in love with nature it's the sole source of our survival, we derive our living from everything we get from it, food, rain, sun..etc

So I got my lazy self up, still thinking...I had to call my friend to come to help snap me because men! I'm so bad at taking shoot even more bad at taking styles and posts that's why I rather not take pictures.

But today was starts all sunny in the beginning and that's when the inspiring down in me that in university (University of Uyo) there were a lot of places I had not visited for a long we went to pay those places a little visit.

And that's how my journey began,




It starts so well, all sunny and the tree even greener, it was a magnificent view.


It was still dark clouds gathered in the sky, and it wasn't shocking because I expected it, it's been raining non-stop this month... guessing because it's that time of the year when it rains heavily.



My friend was not finding it funny when I told her we should go inside the rain and snap some more...I was this close to getting a slap because she just made her hair. It was funny and so fun.




The rain finally stopped, and we continue walking, buying everything edible, thank goodness it wasn't my money 😌😌

That's me standing in between that statue, smiling so much that my cheeks hurt, those statues represent two traditional men fighting for the throne, and I was in between them trying to settle the matter...hehe 😋 kidding though.



And that's how we continue taking pictures here and there...




A mixture of art and nature...I just love how we portray the Nigerian cultures in my schools, that shows a sense of unity even with our diversity in cultures we still have a sense of togetherness, one-ness.


Well my day was going great till a motorcycle almost hit my friend, well it did hit her cause her shirt was torn, she managed to escape on time, at some point, I was feeling really bad because I made her come with me, but we were to the infirmary and she was checked nothing serious happened just that I kind of own her a shirt...well it was a mistake the motorcyclist was apologetic about his mistake he even assists us to the infirmary to check my friend.


Aside from that my Wednesday walk was exciting and I'm very grateful my friend is okay, sitting on my bed right now while pressing her phone like nothing happened.

My day was enjoyable. hope yours was.

My team #Dreemscapers includes; @samsmith1971 @mrenglish @luchyl @abidemiademok21 @emrysjobber @strega @les90 @veganuss @ojbear

Image are all mine.



#Dreemerforlife #Dreemport #Dreemscapers.


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Go @jazclassic !
You already making progress, see?

Hehe...I'm just really inspired here, thank you 🤭🦋

Thank so much for you's really encouraging. Thanks a lot

Always a pleasure:)

Thank you 💕 so much 🥰

Keep up the fantastic work @jazclassic! Your dedication and hard work will pay off when you reach your target.

Wawu. This is awesome and you look cute. Hehe, your friend just made her hair and you spent her money? Haha. You have tried.

I love the pictures shown. They all look glamorous.

I am sorry about your friend and glad she is okay.

I waltzed in from #dreemport for I am a #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.

Thank you girlfriend, thank I really had fun too, hope you had fun know I would just go straight to your post and see you enjoyed yourself 🦋😋

Haha... Yeah, I did. Thank you and have a good day.

Interesting view here. I love those pictures you snapped. They represent mother nature truly. You aren't looking bad either and thanks to your friend who decided to be your partner on this walk.

Thank you, I really appreciate you stopping by sorry for late response though. But yeah I did have fun and my friend too. She enjoyed the walk regardless of the incident

The green scenery is really beautiful and lively! Nice attractive sites around the place. The battle for the throne statue is eye catching, always like to ponder about the meanings behind this type of works.
Great picture shots from your friend, glad that she's okay after the motorcycle incident :)

Yeah just look at me trying to be a peacemaker in-between them. Hehe...yes it does have a meaning attached to it and my friend she's okay now. Thanks for reading my post🦋😊

an interestign walk and glad the rain did not stay to long
those statues are interesting

Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk :)

Yeah the rain stopped as some point and I can't blame it, it's raining season here...thanks for stopping by tho🦋🥰


Those men should sha not break your head in their quest. Your camera is sharp though and you have beautiful views

😂😂😂 trying to be the peacemaker, yeah ooh I was able to stop them but immediately I left they started again. And I didn't have some strength to separate them. Thanks for stopping by...nice Sunday ahead🦋😋

You're welcome and have a great one too

The 14th picture for me. I feel the vibes and happiness through those fingers and smile.

Campus is always interesting to explore and there are always lot of amazing place one might not have the time to visit due to studies and all sort.

Thanks for this. And your lovely pictures too.

Oh yeah campus is very interesting _ it's almost a year not I had not visited that place but im glad I did. Thank for stopping by though.

These pictures are beautiful, you sure had so much fun out there.
Did you succeed in settling the fight...? 😁

Those cultural artworks are amazingly beautiful as well.

#dreemerforlife #dreemport

Thanks dearie...I appreciate you stopping by. At first yeah I was able to separate them but immediately I left the continue where they stopped. 😂🦋

Yay! 🤗
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Thank you so much. Fine Sunday ahead 🥰🦋

Your post really shows that you had an exciting walk with your friend.
Thank goodness she wasn't hurt

I like all the pictures especially the flowers, they are beautiful.

Amazing place! I love the statues, especially scull-face figure. You obviously had a lovely time, you are smiling on every picture, it is heart-warming, truly(according to @samsmith1971 I have a heart.. allegedly:)

Nice one! See you around:)

Yes...I did have a lovely time, yes there's a lot of statues in my school, thank you for reading through my post and thanks to @samsmith1971 your are my inspiration 🥰😊🦋

Really lovely place indeed, thank you for sharing!

My friend was not finding it funny when I told her we should go inside the rain and snap so more...I was this close to getting a slap because she just made her hair. It was funny and so fun.

I wonder how I would have reacted if I am your friend. 😂😂😂

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us and giving us a glimpse of the beauty within UniUyo.

Thank you @abidemiademok21...oh she slapped me at the end tho, I'm wondering what would you have done... guessing you would have slap me too... haha 😂🦋

I will be more nice than your friend though.

The look on my face would have sent signal that something is about to happen before the real deal. 😂😂😂

I guess you later dragged your friend into the rain. Maybe that's the release clause for the slap. 🤔🤔🤔

Hey hey leave the look signal to our African mothers, no body beat those people, it's like they are waiting just to give you bad eyes. But regardless I would have decoded. Then look for your trouble later...

Yes I dragged her, what are friends for if I can put both our hands in fire😂😂🦋

Let me laugh small 😁😁😂😂

Should I say you deserve the slap or should I say a friend in deed is a friend in need. You're are free to rearrange but that's my own because you dragged her first. 🤔🤔🤔

African mothers are legends in look-a-thon 😂😂😂

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Woooh. Ah thanks you so much, I really appreciate this 🦋🤭