Wednesday Walk

in Wednesday Walklast year

Hello Hivers

Castle Mountain

Here are a few pics from Castle mountain, located in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.

I have hiked up to near the top, but this day was spent in the valley taking little trails and exploring. The mountain is so huge and imposing, it seems to...


be everywhere you look.

It sits on a fault line that has pushed older rock up and on top of the younger rock.

This appearance of a castle is the result of erosion that wears the different...


types of rock at different rates.

It was once called Mount Eisenhower after the US President but public pressure...


resulted in a return to it's original name, which suits the mountain much better.


Thanks for coming along to Castle Mountain.


wefdnesday walk.jpg


Mountain castle sure seems a perfect name for it

Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk