Wednesday walk Around campus

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago (edited)

Hi all friends, how are you guys today, am I fine too, introduce me @khaidir , I live in Indonesia and now I am 31 years old, this is my first post in this amazing community, I hope that you will accept me as your friend.


I'm one of those people who like to travel, that's why I want to join here, and on this occasion I will also show off my walks every morning around my local campus.


It has been my friends and I to go through this road because here is a strategic place for me, this is basically a forest and along with progress, now at this location a well-known campus building in my area, the IAIN campus.

I like to walk here because here it will make our minds open, here is a large place on the edge of which is a forest and here we can also see the sunrise and sunset.

Many people make this road as a place of exercise for them and I also really like the location of the campus which is surrounded by this forest.





This is what I can share hope you enjoy seeing it.

Regards @khaidir


Welcome to the Wednesday Walk community and what a cool place for walking
Having a forest near a campus is great fir the students

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk

Thank you for your support sir, I will keep trying.
