in Wednesday Walk2 months ago


hello there hivers! good day its been a while but I am now back with my new blog about how I spend my wednesday, please read everyone thank you.


Its Wednesday, and we have a class at 7; I was almost late because I woke up at 5:28. I was in a rush, I only took a half bath, changed clothes and then went to school without drinking water, coffee, or breakfast. By the way, every morning on weekdays I won't eat breakfast, especially when I am in a rush and later on while we were in the classroom our teacher was a little bit busy and then my classmates are noisy, so our teacher said, "Get out of my room." He shouted, were scared of his loud voice, so we go outside the his classroom.

behavior's matter


In a classroom we should always behave specially when the teacher is busy and also if theres a noise
Students may find it challenging to concentrate and understand the lessons being taught if there is excessive noise around them. Focus is facilitated and learning results are improved in a quiet setting. Disturbances in sound levels have the potential to impede efficient teaching and concept clarification by impeding teacher-student communication. Keeping the setting calm shows respect for the teachers and other students, which promotes a positive learning environment where everyone's needs are taken into account.


Both teachers and students may experience increased stress as a result of continuous noise, which could affect their general wellbeing and productivity. Reducing noise contributes to preserving a serene and tranquil environment that is favorable for education. Some students may be especially susceptible to noise because of sensory sensitivity issues or problems with auditory processing. Reducing noise level promotes an inclusive classroom where all students can succeed.


Fast forward: our teacher dismisses us early, so I go to Tinaan City ofNaga, to go the house of my boyfriend's brother because I will go with his family to Finisterre Memorial Gardenz, located at Ward 3 Minglanilla, Cebu. It is a private cemetery, and his father is now 40 days from being dead. As a superstitious Catholic belief, when 40 days come, the family will go to the cemetery to offer prayer, while waiting for the car his sister bought some fishball to eat on haha.


ward 3 Minglanilla, Cebu

Later on, we go to minglanilla and then after the prayer, we took a picture, and I am the only one who does not belong to this group. Haha, all the people in the pictures are Riveral( family name), and I am the only Bacarro (family name) haha.




The 40-day prayer period for the deceased in Catholic tradition is derived from a blend of historical customs and biblical allusions. In Christianity, the number 40 has symbolic meaning; it frequently denotes a time of trial, preparation, or transition. In this instance, it is thought to be a time of spiritual advancement or purification for the deceased's soul. During this time, prayers are thought to help the soul find serenity and salvation as it travels toward God. It's a means by which the living assist and remember the departed as they make their way through the afterlife.

After the prayer, we go back to Tinaan and then I decided to go home because its 5 oclock in the afternoon and while I am in our house I also decided to open my tiktok app and then I dance, dancing helps our body

Screenshot from my tiktok account

Dancing is a fantastic cardiovascular workout that increases heart rate and enhances blood flow. Dancing's various movements promote muscle strength and stretching, which improves flexibility. Dancing works a variety of muscular groups, which over time improves strength and endurance. Dancing routines necessitate coordination, which enhances balance and spatial awareness. Dance has the potential to alleviate stress and improve mood by releasing endorphins, which are the body's inherently uplifting hormones.

Dancing on a regular basis can improve metabolism and burn calories, which can aid with weight management. Dancing frequently entails social gatherings or group lessons, which offer chances for interpersonal connection and social interaction—both of which are good for mental health.

Screenshot from my tiktok account

Dance is also the way we show the world who we really are and what we can become. If we're being really honest, we all secretly think that we are unique. We are aware of how incredibly special we are, with numerous facets of our personalities and talents intertwined so that no two people on the planet could possibly have the same makeup. We are aware of it. We simply aren't always sure how to demonstrate it.

Through music, dancing, humor, and other forms of content creation, individuals can express themselves on TikTok's platform for creative expression. For people who want to express themselves in a different and creative way, this might be a terrific outlet.

This is all everyone, thank you for reading see you.🥹


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