Wednesday walk/experience❤️

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

Hello there hivers! Its me again kyla how are you? I hope you're doing good by the way this is now my new blog and please do read everyone, I just want to share with you guys about my Wednesday experience last week.

7:00 a.m

Its wednesday I have a class at exactly 7: a.m in the morning and I woke up at 4: a.m to prepare the things I need to bring to school and then 5:30 I am taking my bath, eat, breakfast, change clothes and then leave I am in a hurry because Im afraid that I will be late I take the bus going to naga not to be late because for me bus is necessary specially when I am in a hurry.

While I was inside the bus our teacher chat i n messenger that he will not be around because he has an important matter to do, and I get sad because my effort of waking up in the morning not to be late, dont have justice.


so when I came at school there are students in the students lounge and I saw my classmates sitting there so I went to them and talked about some thing. I heard that my other classmates, went to Fishport, Inoburan City of Naga and so I did go.


Fishport Inoburan is known for being a major fishport located in Barangay Inoburan, Naga City, Philippines. It serves as a hub for the local fishing industry, where fresh seafood is unloaded, processed, and distributed to various markets and establishments both locally and internationally. It plays a significant role in supporting the livelihoods of fishermen and contributing to the local economy

beautiful scenery

It also have beautiful scenery and a lot of people go there to celebrate birthdays and etc. other people go there for food trip or for relaxation.
The port is situated along the coast, offering picturesque views of the sea and surrounding landscape, making it a beautiful spot for sightseeing and photography.

at my peace

The bustling activity of fishermen unloading their catches and vendors selling fresh seafood creates a vibrant and lively atmosphere, providing visitors with an authentic glimpse into the local fishing industry, fishport also known for its beautiful mangrove forest.

My other classmate went there so we decided to go there also, but I decided to go in the house of my boyfriends sister, because its too boring and I arrived at school at 6:45 a:m and 6:45 to 10:30 that is our vacant , so I go there alone, and my friend chatted me through messenger if they can also be at my boyfriends sisters house and I sad yes.


tamarind tree😍

I decided to visit her in their house because its also a long time since we dont see each other and I took a picture of this tamarind tree it caught my attention haha.

I want to unwind at that moment. Unwinding has many advantages, such as lowered stress levels, increased mood, stronger immunity, better mental and physical focus, lowered blood pressure, lessened muscle tension, and an overall increase in feelings of happiness and well-being.

To relax, our body needs a combination of physical and mental factors, including adequate rest, hydration, nutrition, exercise, deep breathing, mindfulness practices, and minimizing stressors.

I and my boyfriends sister are close with each other, I like the way she treated me, shes not greedy in terms of food, she will always ask me what food to buy and eat, she asked me to go to Naga City because she have a watch that needs battery so that it will be alive again so I go with her and then later on she bought 2 shawarma rice with beef and 2 coke for us.

shawarma rice with beef😋

Shawarma is high in antioxidants, dietary fiber, sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and dietary fiber—all of which support physical well-being, muscle growth, and increased energy.


We go to her house after eating but she asked me again if I want to eat home made harina ball with spicy sauce, I love to eat street foods so I said yes again haha, aftering eating harina ball we go again to another store and she asked me again if I will eat barbeque so I said yes again and again.
It was one of the nicest wednesday experience I have last week and it made me happy, we need to be happy at some things even if its small or big.


We talked a lot when we walk from the store to her house, were walking and enjoying the view of the nature


Happiness is linked to better cardiovascular health, a stronger immune system, and lower levels of stress hormones.
Happy people tend to experience less anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. They also have better coping skills and resilience.
Studies have shown that happier individuals tend to live longer lives compared to those who are less happy.

Happy people often have stronger social connections and more satisfying relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners.
Happiness can boost creativity, problem-solving abilities, and overall productivity in both personal and professional endeavors.
happy individuals tend to have a more positive self-image and greater self-confidence.

has the power to increase productivity

Positive emotions can lead to clearer thinking and better decision-making abilities.
Happiness has the power to increase productivity in both personal and professional contexts by stimulating creativity and problem-solving skills.
People who are happy typically think better of themselves and are more confident.
Emotions that are upbeat can help people think more clearly and make better decisions.


Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

Are really are enjoying being youth.