Walk with us //

A new walk for us at a little known Preserve in Southold Long Island, NY.




Had nice walking trails with scenic water views as well as interior woodland.





Butt friendly bench //

Freshwater pond that empties into saltwater pond.

View from the bench.

Better view of the freshwater pond behind the bench.


Path along a finger of water to the left.

First view of Dam Pond.


White strip of sand is a narrow beach separating the pond from Long Island Sound.

google map view >>> https://www.google.com/maps/@41.1342914,-72.3314535,1475m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu

New house not yet completed with a view of the Sound and pond ...



Was surprised to see so many large rocks and boulders in and along the west end of the pond.




Leaving the water and walking through the woods, the path comes out onto an abandon road. This road was going to be for water front lots but scraped when became part of preserve.

Walking along the road, back to the car //


Walk ends //



You always find a nice and calming places for walks.

Yeah that looked like a lovely and refreshing walk out in the sun.

So it looks like the snow has gone, but I did think that white strip of sand was actually snow for a moment.

You know our trees are almost in synch, yours are brown and about the green up and ours are now turning brown with the horrible thought of winter ahead..

I think we only had about 3 days of summer this year...😢

I was going to say move south for more warmer days, but you would have to move north .. 🤣

Haaa yes, South would be Tasmania (definite pass) and then Antarctica and that's a big Hell NO from me...🤣

Definitely thinking about moving north again- to Far North QLD- back to Cairns when my lease is up again in Feb next year...then I'll only have to put up with the humidity, rainy wet season and cyclones. That I can do with pleasure. 🤣

If I remember correctly, you're in update NY or somewhere near there aren't you?

Long Island, suburb of New York City. Great 4 seasons, mild winters. But lunatic taxes.

Ah yes, that;'s right, I was in upsate NY and NYC for a while as a camp counselor and one of the other girls was from Long Island but I never got there unfortunately!

Next time, but I'll stick to summers thanks...🤣

The preserve looks like a peaceful place to enjoy the day. It looks like they keep the paths cleared of fallen trees and brush which is nice. Have a great day, Mike.

Most of the preserves out here are kept nice. We wear insect/tick resistant clothes and do not get ticks.

That is a great idea as the woods are always full of the critters.

I would love to go there! It can't be far from here, but... My truck is down and no $$$ to fix it, My friend whose floor I am crashing on has His vehicle down too, and He is trying to fix it, so I'm kinda stuck here.

Maybe someday...

Lovely pics!

Luckily I don't have to go far for some solitude despite being in a small county with over a million and a half people..

Would love to have the transportation! Lucky, indeed!

Pleasantly quiet walk to enjoy this stretch of water, soon filled with green once again.

thats a preserve I would love to explore nice wide trails and water views sounds and looks great

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk and have a great day