Green path

in Wednesday Walklast year


I walked a lonely road, a green one as the info board showed me. Didn't know where I would end up, but that is what I chose for that day when we went to the city of Alcoy, Spain. To spend half of the time somewhere in nature, and the other half in the city. I knew where the starting point of this green path was, everything else was still in the realms of the unknown.

You can say - reading the map and the board can help you. It can... for sure. Those who read it probably knew the length of the path and that it would in the end lead back through the city to the starting point. What we did is that we almost arrived at that point where the path makes the curve to walk toward the city... Almost, but chose to go off route and reach the city on our way, not following the path anymore. Free to bee, as the sticker suggests. But until then we indeed walked the established green path where I can take you too, those who fancy to come.


The beginning of the green path looked nothing special and out of this world. Just a straight line, even the limit speed was established. What? I can't walk faster than 20km/h anyway. Ok, ok, one can go by bike, so because of that, I know.


The landscape started to change. Green areas predominated as we were walking toward the hills covered by a forest carpet. From here I spotted a bridge and I knew that we would have to cross it. After all, I looked a bit the map and saw we would cross several bridges and many tunnels.


The first little bridge appeared and also a tunnel could be seen at the end of it. The path started to be more interesting...



The tunnel was there, staring at me. Dark, if it would swallow me in one second. Do these holes make people disappear?

No, I don't think so, unless this is a story of dangerous, hungry tunnels (but it's not). The easiest answer would be that tunnels like this one serve to help people, vehicles or trains get to the other side of a hill.

Trains here?

I was surprised too!

Seems that this path was made to establish a railway line that would connect Alcoy with Agost (and Alicante) almost a hundred years ago. The project was never completed... The works lasted for a few decades and in the end, the idea was completely abandoned although the tunnels and bridges were made.




After passing through a few little tunnels and enjoying nature we arrived at the bridge we were seeing from the distance a few photos ago. The bridge of seven moons, which was also part of the old railway track that was never finished. The length of the bridge is 230 meters and its maximum height is 50 meters. At first I didn't think what 50 metres of heights was, I just enjoyed the breeze and what I was seeing.


The views toward the forests were very nice. Relaxing. Wide.


Then I dared to stand on the edge of the bridge and look down into the depths.

A sweet feeling of dizziness... and I felt holding the camera tighter! I already imagined it falling down and breaking into small pieces.


The bridge is also used for bungee jumping. I knelt down to get a better look at these hooks fixed in the concrete and saw some shadows...


I guess not from a ghost. It was me and my braid that flew in the wind.


Are you brave enough to take another look from the edge of the bridge? To be honest, I have a strange feeling in my legs when standing on the edge of high buildings or bridges. I found a drone video footage of this bridge on YouTube... For a complete feeling click me.


The bridge was crossed successfully, I didn't fall and my backpack and camera were still with me. The path in the forest continued, with a lot of bushes, trees and greenery around. The sun was already pretty strong but it was a pleasure to walk in the shade.



A new tunnel appeared in sight. It seemed short, I saw the light at the other side of it, even from this distance. Nothing to be afraid of! I will stay on the same path and forest, that is what I thought. There were no signs that something strange would happen...


... like landing in another place, on the other side of the world!

I found myself in Tokyo!

Who would think... these holes in the hills had some powers that we were not aware of. To teleport the Wednesday walkers to a green path in Japan.

さようなら。 ハッピー水曜日!



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Gracias mipiano por tan bonito paseo 🐝

Hope you are doing well.
And gracias, I am glad you liked the walk and the little bee 🐝


Riquer 😂



(me siento mejor, gracias 💙)

Can you check it if any of those holes in the hills can take you here , maybe I could take it in the other way around 😂😂😅😅

That was a great walk did you see any other human around because I did see none when u walk in those places sometimes you feel you are out of the world is kind of relaxing feeling at least for a time jeje.

Love the evening but what keep it in my mind was the sticker free to bee 🐝 💛 I love it!

Haha, that was definitely funny. Maybe the tunnel called Riquer could serve? You participate in that program with a similar name that the Cuban community (nani, janet, garorant etc) are doing on Sundays, and maybe you arrive here? 😉

The sticker with the bee was so cute, right? 🐝 💛
Thank you Don Artistic Puma (hahahah, just invented, sorry 😆) for walking with us 😇

your walk was amazing , but it tired me out ! sheesh, good on you

I spy with my little eye a Nikon user??

Tired? Oops, sorry, it was a long walk, and we reached Tokyo too haha
Yes, a Nikon user, though it usually sleeps at home. I rarely remember taking it with me. I hope you understand why part of the comment comes written with different letters 😂


well I googled it and it is Japanese and that is about it!

I can't imagine myself standing on the edge of the bridge! Just thinking of the idea, my knees are trembling already.🤣

This walk is surely memorable. The view of the vast forest is breathtaking.😍

Hahaha, trembling knees. I just have a strange feeling.
I am glad you also liked the views of the forest!


I could not stand and stare that height. Hehhe

Great shots!

Thank you 😇

Those paths with trees on the sides are wonderful. How much peace it gave me to see these landscapes and the pictures showing downwards, a marvel.

I imagine hours walking there and I love it, I go with you with my imagination!

Thank you @mipiano ❤️

Hours - that is exactly the time needed to make that route, I was not aware how long it would take, I just knew I wanted to go there hahaha 😂 It was so tranquil and peaceful, that's for sure. Thanks for coming along and enjoying the same path. Did you land in Japan as well? or you picked another place for tunnel travelling? 😁

If I could choose a place of fantasy I would choose Atlantis and if not my fascination would be the pyramids of Egypt!😀

I would freak out if I needed to cross bridges and take tunnels to get to a certain place. Weren't you scared that something fishy might happen underneath those tunnels?

But this green walk of yours was exciting to read through... Except my heart was constantly jumping into my mouth at certain places.

Why freak out? They are not dangerous, it was just that one bridge that I stood on the edge of it (but thee were fences) and felt that things from my hands could end up down in the depth. But the tunnels, they indeed surprised me, coming out in a different country, it was weird hahahahah

(on a serious note, there are tunnels that start in one country and you come out in another one, that's for real. One year we have chosen a different route for our road trip, not the one we were always used to do. We entered a tunnel in Italy, and after 13 km we were in France. this tunnel.

I am probably watching more horror movies than I should because viewing that Fréjus Road Tunnel link you sent, I realized I have seen accessible tunnels in non-horror movies and they were not in any way dangerous.

But the tunnels, they indeed surprised me, coming out in a different country, it was weird hahahahah

Even reading it from you feel weird too....hhahahahah

Thank you for taking away my fears through your explanation

I was able to enjoy every stretch, every view, every bridge and the tunnels of your adventure dear @mipiano.

I am passionate about places like these and they always represent an exciting challenge to make the crossing.

I imagined myself there as I was reading and looking at the pictures. Being with nature alone is one of the most comforting experiences in life.

Thank you so much for sharing such a moving and exciting adventure!

I am more than happy that you enjoyed all these details from the walk and felt like being there! Thank You for reading and merging yourself in this story.


I hope you have a Japanese dictionary close to you... 😂


Well I will use deepL, the tool that is always at hand.

Yeah, some of the translators, as I was doing the same for fun 😁

What a lovely walk you found @mipiano 👋🏻😊
The tunnels were indeed a surprise 😎 cool though… and cool inside.
Great captures. Thanks for sharing.
Have a wonderful Wednesday ☀️🌺

The tunnels - they were cool hehe and there were graffiti, some of them nice, though I missed taking photos of the nicest ones (still I do have a few images, and maybe will share them one day)
A nice Thursday for you @littlebee4 😉

Awww that’s even cooler 😎 looking forward to see the murals.
Too bad you don’t have a photo of the nicest one.
Thank you kindly @mipiano 👋🏻😊 have a great day too… enjoy the sun ☀️

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The pictures are amazing, what a nice walk, my friend, I am a fan of these plans. I would enjoy very much to know these beautiful spaces and well, I would be like you on the bridge, but shaking without stopping hahaha.

Greetings sweetie 🌺🤗🌺

This was my first time visiting this city and its surroundings, I looked the day before what is interesting to visit and saw this route. But without many details haha, I didn't know how long it would be and where we would end up 😁

Looking down from the bridge was exciting 😎

Thank you so much for coming to thin walk with us 🌺🌺🌺

What a beautiful place, but did you reach your destination, it seems to me that you got stuck in some tunnel jeje. A very beautiful place, quiet and very sunny. I liked it very much!

Yes, I am still in Japan. Any suggestion on how to get back? 😂


Of course, half a lap through the same tunnels jeje.


what a beautiful place for the Wednesday walk that you chose dear friend @mipiano I love the signage maps and the great green space to enjoy the company of nature
Beautiful shots, I appreciate you letting us know about this beautiful place
have a nice wednesday walk

Thank you, this green area was a blessing. Happy Wednesday to you too @jlufer 😇


Such an amazing adventure such beautiful scenery



(thank you)

The view is very nice and beautiful, one green line can lower the temperature around it. Thank you.

Yes, the greenery keeps the temperatures mild. It is always nice to take a walk in nature if the city is too warm.


Thank you for your information. Greetings from indonesia.

Even so, visiting the place on foot is a pleasure in itself as one can get a close look at the many natural sights that are there.

It was matching walking and nice views at the same time :) Adding the pure air, the feeling was complete ;)

those are some stunning views you captured them so well. the bridge looks very cool and I would love to experience this for myself.

loving the top you are wearing too :)

Walking on the bridge was a special moment, maybe the photos don't show how tall it was (so I also found and shared a drone video footage) but definitely an experience. I also like that T-shirt, thanks ;)

Awesome walk, beautiful place with wonderful photography, thanks for sharing!

And thank you for coming along, @almi 😇

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Hello @mipiano
You walk in the lap of nature is indeed amazing way to recharge oneself for the week ahead.
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Yep, nature indeed recharges our good mood 🍀 😇

Thank you for the information.

Nice ride and nice photos!
Have you noticed that staying immersed in nature has a "healing" function on our nervous system?

Of course I notice the positive impact, that's why many times I try to spend a day at a place like this 🍀 😉

OMG. SO jealous right now!

A few weeks late, I know. But what a walk! 👀

Came to visit you today and followed the flow here :)

So glad I did!

No, we are never too late here on Hive. These posts are here, hopefully for a long time :))
And I am also so glad you came to this green walk 😇

Looks like you're wondering in the wilderness on your own?

It's that safe in Alcoy?

Absolutely safe. Almost no peeps around just birds in the forests :D
And Alcoy, same calm pace of life, it was challenging to find an open place to have lunch :D

I actually Googled it after I read your post :D

It looks lovely out there. Thanks for sharing it with us.

I could so stick a backpack on and do that for a day right now! Beautiful ❤️

Ow, you even googled for that place, so you really liked it!! Cool 😇
I am longing for a free day to be able to do again such a thing ;)

Yep. :D I love walking and nature.

It's my "medicine".

I follow you for that. I have some awesome walks out there but can't seem to get away from my screen long enough to enjoy them right now. This will change (again) in a bit.

But for now... I'll just keep following you :)

And I will try not to let you down 😅

Though I also need that "walking in nature" medicine, my body is giving me back right now for the years of sitting (piano, teaching, screen...)
A painful punishment. I need to make an appointment with my physical therapist but I haven't followed his advice (sports, being more active) as simply when hahahaha

Oh dear.

I hear you! And thanks for sharing. Me too. *nods

Screens. Making stuff. So addictive and fun I lose days.

Tomorrow I'm out there in the sunshine. Thanks for the inspiration ❤️💥

p.s. no way you could let me down


Only human here *farts out loud accidentally

Oops 😳