Nature walk to change your mood (¨WednesdayWalk¨)

Que rápido ha pasado los días de la semana, esta es la segunda vez que estoy aquí en esta maravillosa ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  para participar del desafío de tattoodjay:  una iniciativa que le gusta mucho a mi abuelo, ya que le encanta caminar, además, es un compromiso que tiene con su salud, que por ¨recomendación¨¨médica¨ camina casi a diario

Source: Family Álbum

How quickly the days of the week have passed, this is the second time I am here in this wonderful ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  to participate in the tattoodjay:  an initiative that my grandfather really likes, since he loves to walk, in addition, it is a commitment he has to his health, which by "recommendation" ¨¨medic¨ walks almost daily

Mi abuelo es de esas personas que no comenta las cosas que les pasa, pero si lo conoces sabes que no está pasando por un buen momento, aunque varias veces le pregunté si todo estaba bien, si algo le sucedía, y como no conseguí nada, lo invite a una caminata por la reserva, si algo tiene para decir allí seguro lo hará

Source: Family Álbum

My grandfather is one of those people who does not comment on the things that happen to him, but if you know him you know that he is not having a good time, although several times I asked him if everything was okay, yes something was happening to him, and since I didn't get anything, I invited him to a walk through the reserve, if he has something to say there he will surely do it

Luis tiene la capacidad de callar las cosas, pero como le conozco muy bien, se cuando hay algún problema, y si hay uno es mejor que lo hable. Aunque no estaba bien de ánimo para salir a caminar no se pudo negar a mi invitación, sobre todo porque la caminata era en el lugar donde tanto le gusta

Source: Family Álbum

Luis has the ability to keep things quiet, but since I know him very well, I know when there is a problem, and if there is one it is better for him to talk about it. Although he was not in the mood to go for a walk, he could not refuse my invitation, especially because the walk was in the place where he likes so much

Una vez que emprendimos nuestra caminata por esos hermosos senderos naturales volví a preguntar a mi abuelo que le pasaba, y ahí no tuvo más remedio que contar todo lo que le estaba sucediendo, en primer lugar estaba muy enojado con los del ¨servicio¨¨eléctrico¨, que gracias a su ineficacias varias cosas de su computadora han dejado de funcionar, lo último fu su tv-monitor, si bien consiguió uno para poder seguir trabajando, la pantalla es muy pequeña y por su problema de vista no ve muy bien, y eso lo está afectando, ya no puede hacer tantos comentarios con le gusta

Source: Family Álbum

Once we started our walk along those beautiful natural trails, I asked my grandfather again what was wrong, and there he had no choice but to tell everything that was happening to him, first of all he was very angry with the "electrical service", that thanks to their inefficiencies several things on his computer have stopped working, the last thing was his tv-monitor, although he got one so he could continue working, the screen is very small and Due to his eyesight problem he doesn't see very well, and that is affecting him, he can no longer make as many comments with likes

Se que estas caminatas por el predio le hacen muy bien, si bien los problemas que tiene con su ordenador lo seguirá tendiendo, por lo menos estará más tranquilo para sobre llevar esta situación. Estas fotografías hicimos con la cámara de mi abuelo una ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨. Tengo que decir que me sentí muy aliviada cuando mi abuelo acepto caminar por este hermoso lugar, sé que le hace bien y le ayuda a estar mejor emocionalmente

Source: Family Álbum

I know that these walks around the property are very good for him, although the problems he has with his computer will continue to affect him, at least he will be calmer about dealing with this situation . We took these photographs with my grandfather's camera, a ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨. I have to say that I felt very relieved when my grandfather agreed to walk through this beautiful place, I know that it does him good and helps him be better emotionally


Source: Family Álbum


What a beautiful hike, I loved the blue flowers of the meadow
I don't know how you do it, you always know when I'm saving something
This hike made me great

Yes, I really enjoyed the walk, especially knowing what you had in mind.

Que hermoso paseo @miprimerconcurso, me encantan esos espacios naturales, sobre todo los árboles y las bellas flores. Abrazo!!❤️

a mí también me gustan mucho los lugares abiertos y rodeados de naturaleza
Este lugar es precioso, otro para ti @avdesing

Beautiful view, it looks like yellow Bamboo, vegetables plants the vegetables look fresh. Thank you. Greetings.

If it is a huge bamboo plant, here we call it tacuara @hsidik

Good Morning
love all the greens
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

It is a beautiful reserve @tatuajedjay I love the natural greenery and the beautiful flowers
Thank you so much

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Thank you very much @hivebuzz it has been a rewarding experience

Wow what a gorgeous place to walk and who better to do it with than your grandfather so you can talk and get to know him, learn about your family history as well as the daily goings on.

And thank you so much for taking me into such a beautiful place with you too!

Thanks to you @chocolatescorpi for this visit and company you give me
This walk has been wonderful, I love talking with my grandfather, plus he has many stories to tell

Yes, elderly people have the best stories to tell, especially when their your own relatives.

So glad that you have the time with him. Too many people don't and too many other people don't care, so good on you, keep it going.