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RE: Two Iconic Buildings In Bucharest

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

All dictators have this in common - the megalomania.
I knew these facts about your parliament building. I remember once a meeting we had with colleagues from other countries. Each one made a presentation about their factory. To make the presentation more interesting it was suggested to end up with something about the town or the city where the factory is. Our Romanian colleague chose this building to include in his presentation.


Hi Neli, @nelinoeva, I don't think you've ever seen a response as late as mine. I apologize. Yes, all dictators are like that, but I think ours was the worst.
I hope you're enjoying this early summer and walking by the sea!

No worries and nothing to apologize for.🙂
I must say the early summer feels good, but I am thinking what would be the real summer and would be there a heat wave.
I wish I have more free time for walks by the sea.

Thank you!
I think this summer we'll have a picture of what's to come with climate. I'm sorry you're so busy. I, being retired now, have started to forget the time when I was just as busy.