Turkey's election result, my walking and feelings🤷🏻‍♀️ (eng-tr)

in Wednesday Walk11 months ago (edited)

Hello friends,

I hope you are well. For the last two weeks, my emotions have been mixed because of the elections. Actually, I don't like politics but this time the situation was a bit different. I voted because I thought that a party that has ruled the country for 20 years should change. According to the results announced last night, the party in power will continue to rule the country for another 5 years. I respect the result of the election but I am not happy, it was not the result I wanted.
The country's economy, which started to deteriorate before the corona, got worse with the corona. Although many countries' economies recovered after the corona, Turkey's economy, unfortunately, did not. The country's currency (Turkish Lira) continues to lose value against the dollar. Inflation continues to rise. For me, the economy is an important parameter. The deterioration of the country's legal and educational system has also brought the economy to the bottom. I was in favor of the change to put an end to this, but the majority voted for the continuation of this situation. For the next 5 years, I hope that the economic situation will improve and I hope that the bad situation will be recognized and the mistakes made in the economy will not be repeated.


Umarım iyisinizdir. Son iki haftadır seçimlerden dolayı duygularım karma karışık. Aslında siyaseti sevmiyorum ancak bu kez durum biraz farklıydı. Ülkeyi 20 yıldır yöneten bir partinin değişmesi gerektiğini düşündüğüm için oyumu kullandım. Dün akşam açıklanan sonuçlara göre iktidarda olan parti 5 yıl daha ülkeyi yönetmeye devam edecek. Seçimden çıkan karara saygı duyuyorum ancak mutlu değilim. Bu istediğim bir sonuç değildi.
Koronadan önce bozulmaya başlayan ülke ekonomisi koronayla birlikte daha da kötüye gitti. Birçok ülke ekonomisi koronadan sonra toparlansa da Türkiye ekonomisi maalesef toparlanamadı. Ülke parası (Türk Lirası) Dolar karşısında değer kaybetmeye devam ediyor. Enflasyon ise artmaya devam ediyor. Benim için ekonomi önemli bir parametre. Ülkedeki hukuk ve eğitim kanallarının da kötüye gitmesi ekonomiyi dibe götürdü. Buna bir son vermek için değişimden yana oldum. Ancak çoğunluk bu durumun devam etmesi yönünde oy kullandı. Önümüzdeki 5 yıl için ekonomik gidişatın iyiye gitmesini umuyorum. Umarım kötü gidişatın farkına varılır ve ekonomide yapılan hatalar tekrar edilmez.

Towards evening I left home and went to a shopping center. I needed to think about different things. In the last two weeks, I had to concentrate on things I didn't want to concentrate on, and even though I wasn't actively involved in politics, my mind was very tired. I like this shopping center I went to last night better than the others because it has a horizontal architecture. When you go from one store to another you go outside and get fresh air. It is not a closed space like the vertical shopping centers. You can see the details in the photos I have attached below.

Akşama doğru evden çıktım ve bir alışveriş merkezine gittim. Farklı şeyler düşünmeye ihtiyacım vardı. Son iki haftada istemediğim konulara yoğunlaşmak zorunda kalmıştım. Aktif olarak içinde bulunmasam da siyasi konular zihnimi baya yordu. Dün akşam gittiğim bu alış veriş merkezini diğerlerine göre daha çok seviyorum çünkü bu yatay bir mimariye sahip. Bir mağazadan diğerine geçtiğinizde dışarı çıkıyor ve temiz bir hava alıyorsunuz. Dikey mimarideki alış veriş mekanlarındaki gibi kapalı bir mekan değil. Aşağıda eklediğim fotoğraflardan da detayları görebilirsiniz.

After walking around for about an hour, I decided to relax in a café. It's nice to spend time alone. I recommend it to you too. While sipping the green tea I ordered, I started reading the content on #ecency. This activity helped me to get away from political thoughts. I guess I should do this every now and then.

Yaklaşık bir saat dolaştıktan sonra bir kafede dinlenmeye karar verdim. Yalnız başına vakit geçirmek güzel. Size de tavsiye ediyorum. Sipariş ettiğim yeşil çayı yudumlarken de #ecency'deki içerikleri okumaya başladım. Bu etkinlik siyasi düşüncelerden uzaklaşmama yardımcı oldu. Bunu arada sırada yapmalıyım sanırım.

Thank you for reading my content. Stay away from politics :)

İçeriğimi okuduğunuz için teşekkür ediyorum. Siyasetten uzak kalın :)


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Hm, have to say no, other countries didnt recover in economics after covid. The sad Ukraine war and the "save planet from climate change thing" doing no good. The same with too much immigrants.
We have huge problems here in Austria too. Inflation and price for living just got crazy.

But the Coffee Shop Looks great ❤️

Im so sorry for your country also. Ok after Covid some countries can not recover their economies but they try. Policy for economy is not working in here.

Dont wanna complain, we still are on a high level with our life quality and especially with our freedom.
In fact its "First world problems" we have, but still for some individuals very difficult.

I always think, Imagine what good things could have been done with all the money going into weapons 😔

Yeah, freedom is so essential for us. We do not forget this one. I totally agree with you. #Covid19, the biggest pandemic the world has faced since the Black Death, happened during our period. What we faced is not normal I know. I hope everything will be ok😊🙏 If arms spending is reduced and redirected to social welfare, the category of "underdeveloped country" will disappear.

Food shortages are coming as they ban more and more farms. So many people are starving to death. This is accelerating each year.

Inflation is governed partly by rich families who control currency exchange rates which influences inflation towards their favor. That is why Bitcoin and other cryptos are rising as people flee.

POlitics can be frustrating especially when election results don't go our way. Why do you think the people voted for them, if you don't like them? I think a lot of economies all over the world are suffering right now. Tough times. That was always going to happen, people were predicting it when the pandemic started. Hopefully people survive okay.

I hope the economy will improve in all countries and in my country as well. This is my only wish, but a party that has been in power for 20 years has not made enough arrangements. The motivation of those who support them is different.

A beautiful evening walks, sadly politics can create so much anger and frustration sadly the whole world over, I wish we could have more politicians focused on doing what is right for the people

A beautiful evening walk

Sadly politics the workld over causes so much anger and frustration, would be nice if the world over could have politicians who want to focus on what is best for the people and the planet and not just on what is best for them

so much anger, i agree

Sorry to hear about the government in Turkey. I know very little about this country but I know governments in many countries gain too much power. I want to give back power and freedom back to the regular people. That can be hard because it requires that people be responsible with the power. But I prefer that people have freedoms. I don't like politics but there are bad people trying to take over the world through the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations (U.N.), NATO, etc.