Molded Animals good for Wednesday watch

in Wednesday Walk14 days ago

My #WednesdayWalk by @tattoodjay

Today I was just walking past this street, somewhere in Lekki Phase 1. I saw this amazing creatures being molded and I was really impressed and chose to ta a shot of each of them. I love the creativity that I saw and to be very frank the the bush behind makes it look like real. The animals seems to be be coming from the bush. Seeing this was very much satisfying.

This frog looks like its ready to move

A clearer photograph of frog

Side view of the frog

Front View: Its is looking like it wants to move

This is a lion used as seat

This looks very much like Australian Pelicans

Looks like the pelican is shy

Totoise: This looks very much like the paints on it has been washed away

The tortoise looks like it is on motion

Seeing this amazing creatures being molded is a lovely thing. The cage like net is actually making it look like they are caged and at the same time it is for safety so that humans can just watch from a distance.


Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

I am glad I was able to join for this week