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RE: Walk on the first day of May, Zoo and Fortress

in Wednesday Walklast month

It looks like you had a fantastic day despite being windy at the beginning... I don't like ZOOs very much as some of the animals are treated badly, but I do understand that some children would never see some of those animals in their whole lives... And maybe that could help in raising awareness of animal extinction caused by humans...

alligator Muja (the oldest inhabitant of the garden, survived the bombing of Belgrade on April 6, 1941)

WHAAAT? How old is he???

Thanks for sharing the story and great photos!

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All day out, I barely had time to write a post (same as you, except I wasn't hoping for a catch 🙂).
About the Zoo, I have the same thinking as you. Tortured animals...
Especially when I saw what a Zoo can look like... After visiting this BioParc Zoo in Valencia I feel even more sorry for the animals in our Zoo...

My friend, this alligator is more famous than some presidents 😀

Wow! He holds a Guinness record!!! Amazing!

Yes, yes, he is the oldest alligator in the world in artificial conditions. It's funny that we can only guess when he hatched, since he arrived at the Belgrade Zoo in 1936 as an adult specimen, and to grow to the size he had, he needed about 12 years...

I took a lot of pictures of animals yesterday, I'll probably pack them into one post some day.