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RE: Dispelled doubts

in Wednesday Walk β€’ 3 months ago

I am SO envious of the sea time right now.

Haha we walked yesterday in a woods where there was a lot of ash tree die back and big signs saying not to enter. 🀣

I am also jealous of that sleep .. how fabulous!

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The truth is that we have a marvellous weather, I am afraid I can't hide it :)

And the sleep yes, it gets more and more scarce. Maybe a sign that we are getting older? 😳

Oh it really is! Perhaps we should just sleep when we're dead haha.

Pouring with rain here - haha. We still have been for a walk though. I"m two weeks ahead with post scheduling which shows how busy we've been doing fun things.

I found magnesium helps, and we found these amazing ashwagandwa and lavender oil tablets that work a treat. Sadly it's never guaranteed, so a good nights sleep is a cause to celebrate indeed!

The price of hive, going steadily up, helps me too :)

I havent looked in ages but the change in upvotes made me think it has. As always wish i had bought more on the low!!