You don't have to go out of town to find happiness, just look at your surroundings.

The other day, I decided to take a walk in our backyard. You know, to look around and see if there are any changes in the place. If I get lucky, I can also find an insect there enjoying all the plants that just sprouted out of nowhere, sipping all their juices, or maybe a wild flower or just anything. And I also just want to enjoy looking around.

Image Edited in Canva.

I can see the backyard every day, but I don't spend a minute in it. I just walked by it, saw it in my peripheral vision, and continued to get inside my mother's house. I just spent all of my time getting busy somewhere. There are times that I am very productive, but when laziness kicks in, that's when I do nothing during the day but just watch anime.

So for a change, I spent a minute squatting in there trying to find the perfect angle for a photography subject that I found there. I just hate my phone's camera because even using the macro shot, I can't still capture the subject without it getting blurry. It's annoying that I have to take it numerous times. Seriously, I wish I had an iPhone right now.


So anyway, the weather that day was just okay. It's not too hot or too cold either. But it changed too often, just like a woman who has mood swings, lol. It is really unpredictable, and if I use crypto terms, it is too volatile, lol. I can't even tell if it will go upward or downward, haha.


Moving on, you know what? I've been seeing this here since I was a kid, but I still had no idea what the name of this plant was. They will just grow anywhere, and they will grow so fast. I think it doesn't take a month before they grow like this. It's kind of annoying too because they will crawl into a tree and take over a whole tree, as in!

just like these two trees here. Can you still recognize it in this picture? Lol. From left to right: Moringa Tree and Guava Tree. We still have no time to remove it all, but one day Mother will do something about this. That plant is like a monster tree, so ready to devour everything on its way, lol. And a concrete wall is not exempt from it, lol.


So I continued looking for something, and then I saw these super-tinted flowers. It is so pretty and so white, but it is so small that I had a hard time capturing a much clearer copy. Even a macro shot is not much help. What's worse is that my hand is a little shaky, so it gives me a harder time, lol.


I kind of like this shot, but tch, it's blurred. I want to blame my shaky hands, Huehue. I don't know the name, but I took such a liking to it that I tried my best to capture it. It's just that the outcome is not that solid.


But I tried again today, and this time, it's a little bit okay. So are you familiar with it? It is really small, but it will really look good if you put it on a hair pin and wear it as a design in your hair. It's pretty.


And as I continued looking around, I accidentally saw Mr. Mosquito; maybe it was his rest day, which is why he decided to also look around. Or maybe he is just getting ready to attack another prey to sip some blood, this bloodsucker mosquito, lol.


And, oops, Mr. Sunny is out today. The weather is so good that I am thinking of doing my laundry, but then laziness is waving, lol. So I will just stay home today and maybe do the laundry tomorrow.


I saw this pretty ladybug while taking a picture of Mr. Mosquito. I am moving slowly so that it won't fly away. Lucky me, because I successfully captured a shot of it.


She is flying everywhere, but I still caught her, hehe. I have lots of good memories of ladybugs. I used to spend time with my friends to catch some of it. We will just let it crawl into our hands and watch it until it flies away. It is so much fun, to be honest.


And look, I think luck is with me today because I caught another variety of ladybug. Wait, wait, is it a ladybug? I'm not sure, but I think it is. It has a different color, or maybe it is a boybug and not a ladybug.


This one is has a combination of gray and black with a touch of orange. I'm not sure if it is a tail—is orange. But for me, the first one is much prettier.


Ahhhh, I super enjoyed wandering around our backyard the other day and this morning. Even just in the surroundings of your home, you can still look around, walk around, and enjoy all the simple things that you can see there. Whether it is flowers, plants, insects, or maybe scary insects like spiders and mosquitoes, I only found a spider web; the spider is nowhere to be found.

So yeah, I had fun, and it actually makes me feel at peace. So everyone, if you are feeling blue today, stand up, go out of bed, and start to wander around the house. Happiness can be found everywhere. Just imagine yourself being surrounded by nature; for sure, you will also feel the happiness I felt today. And I was actually not alone when I started my walk in the backyard because I'm with our dog.

I'll share that here one day. You will see how fast she grows. See yah!



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Such a beautiful garden

even with a new iphone or a camera taking macro shots of bugs is very challenging I to often get blurry shots

Thanks for joining the Wednesday, its always fun for me to visit the walks from all around the world, getting a feel for communities where people live and what they see on their daily walks

Thank You!

Oh, is it hard. I thought my phone is the problem. I guess the problem is our hands haha. It's hard but we can just try and try again.

Indeed all we can do is keep trying and take lots of photos and hope some come out clear :)

Yeah, sometimes we get so drawn to places we've never been and not appreciate the beauty just right in front of our eyes!
Thanks for this eye opener!

We can try to look closely to where we currently are. For sure we can discover more with it.

Yes, you're right!☺️

Kapag wala akong magawa, lumalabas din ako ng bahay at naglalakad-lakad. Swerte ko pala at malapit ako sa bundok at ilog ate. Kaya tuwing gusto kong gumala o mag-unwind eh lalabas lang ako at lalakad konti.

Ay yan and the best! Lalo na ang daming punong mapagsisilungan habang nagalakad lakad ka. ❤️ Kakainggit.

Nature is everywhere.. It will make you happy hehe

Totoo madam. Maglakad lakad lang tayo diba.

Aww, nainggit ako kasi ilang buwan na ko di nakakapag macro photography ulit specially sa mga plants huhu. Wala na kasi me time. pero gaganda ng shots mo. 💖😇

Awww super busy ka sa school ee. Okay lang yan bawi next time UwU

Sobra huhu iyakan malala this sem.

So yeah, I had fun, and it actually makes me feel at peace. So everyone, if you are feeling blue today, stand up, go out of bed, and start to wander around the house. Happiness can be found everywhere. Just imagine yourself being surrounded by nature; for sure, you will also feel the happiness I felt today. And I was actually not alone when I started my walk in the backyard because I'm with our dog.

I love your post but the only thing I don't agree with is the thing about the colour blue, because really that colour is much more than sadness. In my case, blue is inspiration, loyalty, love, intelligence, harmony, freedom, truth, energy...

The sea is blue, the sky is blue.... Well the sky is blue and everything else turns blue with it. 😂
An upvote is blue too.... Guess!

Have a blue day, and then start filling it with other colours too.

Of course, you are free to give meaning to it 🥰

And yeah, like maybe green for the nature 🥰❤️


I love this ... the beauty of where we are is sometimes overlooked, but this helps!

Thank You 🥰

Although I do love to travel and explore new places, I can't agree more with you. With the title of your post :

You don't have to go out of town to find happiness, just look at your surroundings.

Completely agree!!!

Hehehe, we just have to look around, maybe that something that will make us feel happy is just close by. ❤️

Hmm maybe I need to start taking multiple pictures of the same thing. I'm not sure if my bad pictures are a product of me or phone, lol.

The weather here is unpredictable. Yes searching for nature's smallest things can make us realize we don't have to be feeling blue.

Hehehe you go do it now. Maybe it's the phone? Bahaha

It is always unpredictable, seriously. And you know sometimes we are too focus on the grandest things that we often forget how these smallest things can also make us happy.

Exactly our clouded minds sometimes forget about those smallest things.

The beauty of seeing wonders in everyday surroundings and objects we in general take for granted...that's what I consider happiness. :)

Yayyy, it is the simple things but enough to make is happy. ☺️

Malunggay tree ba yong nakita ko sa second pic? Hehe! Nainggit lang ako dahil walang malunggay dito sa France. Kainis.

Malunggay yong nasa left sabay guava haha. Di ba magpabuhay ng malunggay jan? Try mo lang kaya baka pwd?

Hindi mabubuhay dito sa area na to. Wala nga saging masyado dito. Pero sa south of france, may chance pa mabuhay ang saging. Di talaga uso dito ang malunggay. Wala din akong nakikitang ampalaya. haha.

I want thaaat, to become a bloodsucker choosss hahahaha hello ate rufs! miss you :)

HAHAHAHA, gusto mo pala maging lamok ah, ahahaha.

Pero yieehhh, tunay naba tu, andito kana ulit 🥴

hahaha it's a prank lang, medyo busy lels

Aigooo, sabagay focus na focus ka no ehe. Good Luck. Dalaw dalaw ka here minsa.