Wednesday Walking : A Walk Along a Mississippi River Shore

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

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One more entry for the #wednesdaywalk challenge hosted by @tattoodjay.

For this week's walk, I decided to return to the Mississippi River and check out the plant life along its shore. It was a gloomy day and the sun wasn't out as I had hoped during the lunch hour, but I was still able to find a few interesting images to take with my Pixel and share today.


I still haven't downloaded the app suggested to me by @tattoodjay, but now as I publish these photos, I figure I'll do that tonight. What is the plant above? Probably something that made me sneeze for the rest of the day...


I'm pretty sure that's a chive plant; I could be wrong, but it did smell like chives.




I also noticed quite a few freshwater clam shells on the shore; mussels are definitely part of this far north's ecosystem.


It even appeared as though someone had attempted to grill one up over wood fire at some recent point:


A few more wildflower images I thought were interesting...



And back to the car I climbed...getting ready to head back to work.

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The colors of June contrasted against the Mighty Miss'...not a bad Wednesday walk whatsoever! Thanks, as always, for stopping by and checking my photos out. Hoping everyone out there had a wonderful Wednesday too.


@tipu curate

thanks so much! glad you enjoyed the photos - it was definitely a fun random walk today.

Youre welcome and my pleasure! @sagesigma💫

You have a way of making the mighty, good ole muddy Mississippi River look absolutely gorgeous! 🌼🛶📸

I live down past where the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers meet. We might not have a beach but there are tons of rivers, streams and creeks with Nature's galore along the banks.

Do you ever fish? @sagesigma🎣

Such beautiful natural color son this delightful walk

Such beautiful color son this delightful walk

thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)