Wednesday Walk : A walk at the roadside garden

in Wednesday Walk β€’ 2 years ago

First of all apologies for posting this at the late hours due to my busy schedule but I was very excited to share my #Wednesdaywalk initiated by our respected member @tattoodjay who is not only very supportive but also gives us motivation to post quality content and to entertain our readers.

So it was the Wednesday evening and I planned to spend my time at a road side garden which was being developed and renovated. The garden is located beside a beautiful canal which is quite relaxing during the walk. You can hear the sound of water passing through and it is very soothing sound for your ears. This garden is around 5 km far from my home so I have to take special time to visit here.

Whenever you visit this place you can see families and children playing around and having the best time of their life. I have clicked photos but due to privacy concerns in my country I cannot click photos of families without their consent. There is also a little cafΓ© at the corner where you can have a cup of tea with your friends or loved ones and also enjoy the passing river side by. Along with that there are also some shades as sitting areas which are very beneficial during the rain season or where there is hot weather outside and you want to avoid the scorching heat.

Usually I visit these place with my best friend but this time since wanted to relax so I went there alone and had a great time. There I had a cup of tea while enjoying the view and beautiful weather at the evening. The colorful flowers are also good for relaxing and decreasing your stress levels. I have noticed that the more you are closer to nature the more you will feel relaxed.

So here are some of the photos which I was able to click in the short amount of time and I hope you can get the idea how beautiful this place is.







That's all for today I hope you enjoyed my short Wednesday walk 😊😊

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No Worries if you didn't get to share it on Wednesday.
thats a lovely roadside spot to relax in

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)