Enjoying the beauty of the beach with friends on Wednesday

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago


Hi all friends.

Today I would like to invite you to take a walk with me to a beautiful beach which is near the city where we live, this beach is called Lancok Tourism Beach which is in the east of Lhokseumawe City, North Aceh Regency, Indonesia.

This afternoon I went with some of my good friends who I already consider as my own siblings, today we went around 3:20 pm using our respective motorbikes. The weather today is very friendly because the sun feels quite cool when it hits the body even though the light is quite bright and looks hot.


From where we live it only takes about 20 minutes to drive by motorbike to get here. And when we arrived at Lancok beach, we immediately stopped at a Podok called D'trieng, we gave it the name "D'trieng" because this one hut was surrounded by bamboo trees which in Acehnese is "Bak Trieng". The huts on Lancok beach are made in a parallel position and look very neatly stretched out on the coast



After choosing one of the seats in this hut, my eyes were immediately decorated with the beautiful view of the beach this afternoon, besides this beach which is already beautiful with its purity, in my opinion, this beauty shines more because of the many visitors who came here today.


Almost the entire body of the du beach is filled with visitors of various ages, there are children, teenagers, adults and even the elderly who come here today for a vacation. This beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Aceh, Indonesia.

While taking a walk to enjoy the coast I saw an Ice Cream seller which made me immediately interested in buying it, yes enjoying ice cream while walking by the sea is indeed so delicious that it makes my mind seem to fly to heaven.



I also saw children playing on the beach with their parents, their faces looked so happy and full of smiles, I'm sure if we only saw the beauty of this beach from a photo, we would really want to go on an excursion here.


Apart from being with friends, this beach is also very suitable for us to visit with our beloved family and also the lovers we love. When the sun started to set, I was surprised again because the view on this beach looked even more beautiful, and I decided to take the last photo as a keepsake.

That's the story of my holiday this Wednesday, thanks to friends who have read my posts.