Noticing the Neighborhood Flowers on #WednesdayWalk

I walk my neighborhood regularly. So, I think I've seen everything there is to see. However, ever since joining #WednesdayWalk last week, I'm beginning to pay more attention to the little photogenic nooks and crannies along the streets I've walked so often. Today what stood out to me was the flowers. They come in all shapes and sizes. Except for one particular flower (Rain Lily), I have no idea what any of these are called. If you know, please chime in the comments. I would appreciate being able to call them more than "Hot Pink Flower" or "Bluish-Purple Flower" as is listed on the names of each of these photos.

You may be wondering why I know the name of the Rain Lily and not the others. It has to do with the fact these little beauties are short-lived. And only make an appearance during the spring and summertime after a good solid rain. They popped up over this past week, and they are do not have a long life span. So I make it a point to appreciate them while I can.
Rain Lily flower.jpg

Rain Lily

The following flower pics are the ones I could use some help to figure out their proper names.

Here is the "reddish-orange" flowers:

reddish-orange flowersjpg.jpg

The yellow flowers between the fence and the sidewalk:

yellow flowers.jpg

Not to be outdone by the hot pink flower:

hot pink flower.jpg

Or the bluish-purple flowers:

blueish purple flowers.jpg

Thanks in advance for sharing your flower name knowledge. Happy #WednesdayWalk. Cheers!


so much beauty

Sorry short comment, Have some flooding in our sunroom, so need to get back to that

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk

Oh dear. I do hope everything is okay. Take care and I'll "see" you next Wednesday.

Yes we were lucky no damage and it’s all cleaned up