Wednesday Walk: Old Factory on the Seashore

in Wednesday Walk9 months ago


September in our city is a lottery. Sometimes on 1 September the temperature drops to +10 and it starts to rain. And in other years, only the nights are cold, but during the day the sun shines and the air warms up well. This year, the beginning of September is much more likely to bring good weather than to bring rain and cold wind.



On this day, the weather was warm and sunny, and you'd think it was still August, not September. I got off work quite early and decided not to go straight home, but instead to walk to the Gulf of Finland and relax on the shore for a while.


It may seem a little strange, but the seashore of Vasilyevsky Island was not a popular holiday destination in past centuries. Rather the opposite. It was a deserted area in which no one wanted to settle themselves or build hotels for holidaymakers. The city grew rapidly upstream of the Neva, but the river mouth and the surrounding area remained sparsely populated for a long time.



This seemingly strange fact has a simple explanation. In the waters of the Gulf of Finland there is a periodic phenomenon of surge waves, which is very dangerous for the coastal area. That is why people of the past preferred to build their houses in safer places. Only in the 19th century some industrialists found an opportunity to locate some production facilities here.


In recent times, the problem with the surge waves has been solved and the town is now protected by a dam. The coastal land immediately became a very popular place for new construction. Old factories are being moved to new sites, and apartment blocks are being built on the vacated land. The old factory buildings along the bay shore have been given over to recreational parks and creative spaces.



The most famous of these spaces is Sevkabelport, this space has been operating for several years and is very popular among citizens and tourists. But this time I decided to reach another space, which is called Brusnitsyn Cultural Quarter. Brusnitsyn is the surname of a landowner who founded a tannery on these lands in the second half of the 19th century.




The space of the quarter started to be improved recently, and some buildings look archaic - they have been cleaned up a bit, but the continuation of the repair is still in the future. The grounds inside the old factory walls are open on the bay side, but closed on the other three sides - I think these walls will be a good protection from the cold autumn winds soon.



SmartphoneGoogle Pixel 3a
LocationSaint Petersburg, Russia

This is my entry for the #WednesdayWalk challenge by @tattoodjay.

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Awesome walk @tatdt 😎 love the art works and the bricks of the buildings. Very cool, thanks for taking us along.
Have a wonderful day!

Thank you so much, I'm really glad you enjoyed this walk! 😊
Have a great day!

You are welcome 👋🏻 thanks a lot 😊🌺

What nice pictures and it was worth the walk through the gulf, because it is a place full of brightness, it is good that they are doing maintenance and cleaning, these emblematic sites should be taken care of.


This walk really turned out great, I'm glad you enjoyed this post! Thank you very much!

Even though the factory was built from 19 century, it looks great and beautiful until now.
Buildings like this should be a historical symbol of the city.

I love buildings like this, I really like the brick style! Thank you very much!

How are you, dear friend @tatdt, how are you?
It's good that a nice day dawned and you decided not to go home to relax on the coast.
What an interesting place to walk, I love how the brick structures look. Thank you very much for all this information and the beautiful photographs.
have a beautiful afternoon

Thank you very much, dear friend @jlufer! Have a great week!

I love that mural you started the post with

such a cool tour you gave us

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

There are some other interesting murals nearby, I hope to walk around those places one day and find all the interesting artwork. Thank you so much!:)


what a fantastic place to visit, I can feel the history seeping out of the walls, and te street art is amazing, cheers

It really is a wonderful place, thank you very much!

You’re welcome

What a great place!

Its certainly got everything there- from the sport to the relaxing, from the history to the modern.

It looks like a fantastic place just to chill and enjoy the fresh air.

In one of the photos underneath the basketball hoop I can see what looks like a wireless computer keyboard leaning up against the wall..but it's actually the old wall..🤣

Yes, it's just an old wall... but this wall has seen so many unusual and interesting things!:) It really is a fantastic place, thank you very much!

An old wall that has witnessed a million movies playing out in front of it...been the back drop and the prop for a million more......with many more to come...and it was even the co-star in your movie too! 😄

Thank you very much for stopping by!