Draft Wednesday Walk Hazelwood Park

in Wednesday Walk9 months ago

Wednesday Walk Hazelwood Park

This post if for Wednesday walk challenge
Any questions about the challenge read the guide at the Bottom of the post ;)

Another Wednesday is upon us and i want to thank all the people who join the walk either weekly or when they can I love seeing all the walks all around the world, different scenes different sights and reading about peoples day or thoughts on the walks they took.

For this week I am sharing a walk I took in Hazelwood Park here in New Bedford, I took this walk on a day I was picking up my grand daughter from school, parking can be a nightmare there so I go about 45 minutes early get a good park and then go for a stroll usually down by the water, but with the fall/Autumn colors out This time I walked to the park to see how the colors were there

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Sony A7iv 25mm F9 1/200 ISO 100
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And I was not disappointed some lovely warm colors

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Sony A7iv 26mm F9 1/250 second ISO 100
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and of course lots of leaves on the ground.

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Sony A7iv 17mm F9 1/250 second ISO 100
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its a nice park on these benches in this next shot you can sit and look down to the water on West beach

I do love the warm colors of fall, but also feel its mother natures way of teasing us before winter is upon us with the snow ice and cold temps.

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Sony A7iv 22mm F9 1/125 second ISO 100
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the park has a basketball court

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Sony A7iv 24mm F9 1/125 second ISO 100
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and plenty of trees

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Sony A7iv 20mm F9 1/125 second ISO 125
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and many of the trees were showing off there beautiful warm colors

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Sony A7iv 28mm F9 1/125 second ISO 125
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Weekly giveaway of shares

This week I am sending to the following who joined Wednesday Walk, for this week I did a random draw and the following each received some Hive @littlebee4, @haastrecht @belug, @millycf1976, @madeirane, @hoosie

Wednesday Walk is a challenge started by me, the idea is to get out for a short walk and get some shots of what you can see within a short distance of your home office or wherever you start. And this is my entry for this week, but first, let me explain the challenge.

This is my post for the Wednesday Walk challenge hosted by myself, let me first explain the guidelines

Try and get out once a week for a short walk, can be from your office, home or anywhere really and walk for a few blocks or a few minutes looking for things to get shots of.

Your walk does not have to be on a Wednesday I just ask if possible to share your walk photos on a Wednesday.

Try and get a few shots not just one

Add a bit of a write up about where you walked

Just one Wednesday Walk tagged post a week

You can look for anything in general or decide on one subject you want to get shots off.

Make a point of looking around and up and see what you can find to get shots of that otherwise you may miss

Do a post with the shots you get on a Wednesday and tag it with #wednesdaywalk, also if you happen to join, please leave a link to your post in a comment on this post and I will try and visit them all, especially if its not one of the first 5 tags or I may miss seeing it .

Following me and re-Hiving the post so more see it would be appreciated but isn't a rule just a suggestion.

I am not strict on these rules and hence why they are called guidelines and not rules

I will try and visit, and upvote all who take part in the Wednesday Walk.

I hope a few of you may find this an interesting challenge and decide to join in.

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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Thank you very much @tattoodjay for the tip and for this initiative.
It's highly appreciated and I think it's great for the community.
Happy Wednesday:)))

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How are you dear friend @tattoodjay good morning
It is true what you say about the walks, and the satisfaction that is felt when knowing the opinions of the people and the customs of different parts of the world, and I think, that is what most of us who participate weekly in the hike like. challenge
Parking is apparently a mess in every city in the world, although it was worth it, since you got beautiful autumn photographs. I love the stone path, beautiful shots, thank you very much for sharing with all of us.
Have a wonderful day

and thanks for your visit and support

Lovely shots man! The weather was great last week for some of these shots, a lot colder yesterday and today haha but getting into the autumn swing of it!

It’s funny how parks like this are always hard to find a parking spot in it!

I went out this morning and the wind and cold temp was not fun I got back in the car thinking not today LO

The trees in autumn are a real beauty and make a beautiful place for a nice walk, thank you very much @tattoodjay

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

A real treat! Have a great day!

Beautiful shots! I feel like the leaves came off the trees in record time this year. It's like one day they were there, then poof, they are all over the ground. I would have liked the chance to enjoy them a bit more!

thanks yeah the fall colors dont last long sadly, here we are now having some cooler days and most of the colors seem to be gone already

We've had snow the past two days! Nothing that has stuck but it's here!

I saw a report we may see some in the next week or so, I have to be honest not looking forward to it

I hear you!

I really appreciate the hive. And am totally loving the autumn colours you have there !

most welcome and thanks

The sky looks amazing. The clouds have a sensation of movement, it's very beautiful

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Amazing view 🤩 beautiful photography sir

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Thank you sir you to🙏🥰


A beautiful walk, I'm so fond of the color of trees in autumn, I guess if I'd lived in a place like that I'd died from all the beauty 😅. I loved the path made of stones.

well the fall colors do take ones breathe away but not enough to make us die lOL

Loved seeing that photo of the cobbled path!.... A beauty!

!discovery shots

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

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@jlinaresp(5/10) tipped @tattoodjay

Nice #wednesdaywalk 🍁🍂 our trees are starting to get bare 🙁

the temps have dived yesterday was almost freezing point this morning and leaves are falling like crazy so will be all gone here as well

Beautiful autumn colours. I love this time of the year, here is still warm and I don't want to think about winter yet. :-)

Here is a link to my post - https://peakd.com/hive-155530/@nelinoeva/walk-in-the-park-for-wednesdaywalk

Thank you so much for the give away @tattoodjay
Lovely to see the fall colours in the park 🍁🍂🍁🍂 that wall/ path is awesome with the big stones.

Today I share a walk through New Hampshire and show some historic houses:

Have a wonderful new month 👋🏻😊

MOst welcome
just visited your post and loved it

Thanks a lot 👋🏻😊

Beautiful photos! I like the big red/orange tree. Lucky to still have leaves on your trees. Winter is already here in Western Canada. I like your take on the stone path, it just seems to go forever but makes for a lovely relaxing scene. Thanks for sharing. xox

thanks so much
the temps dropped over night to close to freezing point and now its windy and rainy, leaves are falling like crazy I suspect all the colors will be gone now

I guess the writing is on the wall for you too then!

yes indeed its below freezing this morning, no walk for me today even just walking into the supermarket got into my bones lOL

BRR thanks for the reminder lol. I don't blame you, walking in the cold sucks. If I do I'm rocking the marshmallow look with all the layers. It's been going down to -13 celcius at night here, definitely hermit season now for a few months.

OHh I go for the marshmallow look as well , tomorrow may be a bit warmer so maybe I will get a walk in them, but will see how I fele I have a medical procedure on monday so may take it easy

Rest is important, good luck on your medical procedure. xox

Was it convenient to walk along the stone path?

its not to bad to walk along but I wouldnt do it before the sun rises would be treacherous to walk there in the dark

Looking at this photos, and the trees, I can't help but admire the beautiful of each tree and how amazing nature is.

Lovely, lovely photos, @tattoodjay!!! I've been wanting to see warm colors—the! colors of fall... oranges and red.
My, what a lovely stone walk! It took a lot to build that, for sure!
Have a beautiful day, @tattoodjay .

thanks the colors will be all gone here the temps have dived and windy and rainty today glad I got some photos of the color while they were out

Oh wow, what a lovely park. The trees looking awesome with the warm fall colours; it was definitely a great day to be out taking a walk. As always thank you for sharing and happy new month of November :}

👍🙂👍Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

I am filling my sight with these beautiful autumn colours through today's Wednesday Walk posts :))

The red canopies are so interesting!


Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

The natural scenery is very beautiful and the photos are also cool. Thank you. Happy day.

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Hello my dear @tattoodjay, first of all good evening. I would like to say that your post is excellent as always. Beautiful trees and admirable climate. It must be lovely to walk through this place. Well, as I said, I've been a fan of yours for a while now, so I decided to make my first post in your challenge, in your community. It was a great effort of a total of 23 km, walking a little and a few moments on my skateboard. To show HiveBlockchain the side that television, newspapers, and local tourism don't show about Rio de Janeiro. The perspective of a born suburbanite walking through streets that most people prefer to avoid. I've walked side by side with some drug users, a lot of art on the walls, favelas, avenues, well I think you and the entire community will enjoy getting to know THE OTHER SIDE OF RIO DE JANEIRO. A story of @boeltermc walking from the North Zone to the Center of the Rio:


It's my first post here, so I really, really hope from the bottom of my heart that you enjoy it.

I did it with great care and as much dedication as a Hive user can do.

I'm keeping an eye on everyone's posts, voting, reblogging, commenting, let's make friends! Kisses, have a good end to the night, and have a great rest of the week!

Happy New month @tattoodjay . Those shots and the natures are amazingly beautiful. The real fall feeling. Thanks so much for this initiative. Many through this community will be in good health through the #Wednesdaywalk initiative. Blessings.

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Your location is truly enviable. It's incredibly beautiful, free from air pollution, and provides a peaceful environment where children can move and play freely.

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Beautiful and wonderful Park..Peaceful and perfect place to time pass, Thanks to you my friend for sharing 😀

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

That's clever! Go early to find good parking and then you also have time to get great photos such as these! I love the colors! It's absolutely beautiful!

yeah it makes sense to me, I know most dont do it as they hate sittign waiting but if I can walk its all cool for me

Absolutely! Doing it that way, it's time well spent👍


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