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RE: Wednesday Walk for the birds

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

I have in the past struggled to get good photos of birds so very happy with some of the shots I have got of recent, have more to share in future posts but will mix it up

thats an awesome powerup, I have been debating with myself to take some HBD out of savings but haven't as yet


there was especially good point when HBD price dropped to 0.42 - 0.44 (tho I missed it). not sure which option is better, but I made a decision and feel good about it. 🤸

As long as you feel good about it them its the right decision, I probably should have done the same, but Ohh well, lets hope continues to climb

I want pray 0.5 price label will change to 5,0 in 2-3 years xD

we can but hope that would be nice, I have stopped putting any more HBD into savings while the price is low converting it all to hive with the same hope

same here...