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RE: Through the clouds

in Wednesday Walk8 months ago

yeah it comes in handy most things I can do just as well or just as badly with either hand

Hmm how did i smash my hand, first time in a rugby game I got stomped and broke all my fingers
Second time other hand broken fingers and such from a motocross accident, third time army accident a heavy package slipped and crashed on my arm and hand

OK thats enough amazing my hands still work LOL

Growing up in NZ with the weak ozone layer skin cancer is something many from there deal with, I have had 24 removed, but touch wood no new ones for two years now


Omg, your hand is a real survivor! But wow, how good you could recover every time, from everything. I can't even imagine all the pain, struggles and time it took to heal.


Trust me now that I older on cold days I feel all the injuries to my hands knees shoulder etc etc, but I keep plodding along