Stroll around Dundee Botanical Garden Scotland

in Wednesday Walk3 months ago

Hello Hello Hive Gardeners and all Hivians

I do love gardening but since we moved to a flat we have not had a garden, just a shared back lawn with clothes line to hang out your washing so to speak and and at times weed infested front filled with gravel. So gardening has been limited to having house plants.

Growing up in Edinburgh my school was in Inverleith right next door to the Botanical Gardens and I have had an affinity for them ever since.

Today however, we are travelling North and going to explore the Botanical Gardens in Dundee or more precisely the University of Dundee Botanic Garden which is run by the University with the aid of volunteers.

Admission is £5 and even though we went in February, it was well worth the five pounds admission fee. I did say it was run with the aid of volunteers, well we had to wake up the elderly gentleman at the front desk to buy our tickets!


It does not matter what time of the year that you visit as there is always something going on that you can see. In fact there was so much to see that this visit shall be split into three posts!

Today being a Wednesday we are going to wander round the grounds outside.


Bet you didn't know that we had elephants in Scotland!

I have only seen African elephants in the wild, not Indian ones.

Talking of India...


One of my favourite Indian spice is curry ...


So let's kick off the outside walking tour with yep you got it a Curry Plant or Helichrysum italicum


They have their herb and spice garden rather appropriately outside the cafe. We did eat there, but I am not going to put any pictures of that in this post as I have a feeling this is going to be well big as it is!


Into the grounds we go, but wait did you see what I saw.

It is a roadworks sign!

Well also there is a traffic cone ... Fluff me if I know what that was about!


One of my favourite trees I was surprised to see as we came in ...

Can you guess the name?



I love the smell of wood.

Apologies for flexing these, but they are not native to the UK so they make me happy seeing them here!


There is something magical when I see pine trees of any sort when they cover the forest floor with pinecones and foilage.



Yes they're Sequoia or Giant Redwoods


One great thing about these gardens is that they do label things well, so that you know what you are looking at!


One thing I loved about this Botanics was the art work outside.


Good grief ...


Yes they had a memorial garden and what a peaceful place to remember your loved one.





Part of the garden was these pieces of art, I will make a separate post on them.



Trees glorious trees, different sizes and shapes!


One good thing about those pieces of art was that they are sponsored by local companies.


This area of Dundee was well to do as you can see by the gorgeous houses overlooking the gardens.


Imagine the view especially in the summer!


One cool thing is that they do have different habitats and have plants and vegetation to suit.



You could of course walk in the heather. One good thing here is there are not snakes in the undergrowth!



Water I have to have my water and they have a few ponds too!


Ruth Ingram is a local artist who painted these fairy doors.


There are quite a few of them and I will include in my art post!


And that gorgeous silver coloured tree!


Oh look the mountain pond is back!


It was February so not hot, but if you do need a breather then sit your bum down and watch the world go by!


They do have some walled areas too, which I shall share in another post as this is getting away from me!


There had been some terrible storms which felled loads of trees.


These were chopped up in various places.


It makes me want to get a fire going!

Speaking of which, the temp last night dropped to 2 degrees, so much for fluffing Spring!


I have no idea what this is, it does look a eyeball looking at some funky art!


More funky trees that were felled!


They did have a couple of gazebos which would be cool in the summer!


This is also a post to participate in the #wednesdaywalk initiative from the wonderful @tatooedjay

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!

All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo and pictures were taken with my Canon HS70 Powershot Bridge camera.
@tengolotodo April 17th 2024


Haste Ye Back!


What a nice place to visit. Is that an elephant? I liked the memorial garden to remember your loved one. And I would take time to sit and relax at that gazebos😁.

Hehe yes an elephant, made out of wooden blocks!
The gazebos I think would be fun, sit there in the summer with the sun streaming in .... eating a cucumber sandwich haha

Really.. bring a cucumber sandwich and enjoy the view🤪😁

Well the sandwich would be for you, so ergo oo I would enjoy the view 😎

That's a great place for a stroll! I think is great that they have the giant redwoods there, that is cool. I've only ever seen them here in California. Amazing scenery there, so many cool trees and plants. Great pictures by the way, quite a plethora you have there!

Ah yes I knew you would have seen the sequoia is that how you spell the Giant Redwoods, we have a few here but not the sizes you get yet.

Hi @tengolotodo,
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Good to read from you Tengo. You really had an enjoyable walk. Seeing all these beautiful photos, I just wish I can find myself there, hehehe. I like the pond especially.

From a fellow #dreemer

Thanks Luchyl and good to see you, yeah it would be fun taking you there and seeing your face exploring the walk!

How are you dear friend @tengolotodo good morning
What a shame you don't have room in your apartment for a beautiful garden, one of them makes our day.

It's great to see the shots you've taken while exploring the botanical, so beautiful the place is worth the £5 entry fee.
Thank you very much for sharing these beautiful photographs and your visiting experience.

Good afternoon my friend @jlufer The £5 entry fee is worth especially when I show the hot house next week. There is alot of upkeep that goes into the running of the garden.
Glad you like it and wishing you a wonderful rest of your week.

Very nice garden Ed. The good grief garden is something new.. lol

Hehe I had never seen a Good grief garden before either Steve!

Those pine trees are pretty awesome. They will grow pretty huge one day if they leave them be. I've always been fond of gardens like this myself. When I was younger we stumbled upon one near Niagara Falls I think and it was fun to explore.

Ah Niagara Falls that is something I would love to see and it is on my places to see over there. I love pine trees and just love the smell, we have lots of different types here and it always reminds me of walking the dogs in the forest.

I've been to Niagara once or twice. I have never done the boat tour though. I did walk behind the American falls, that was pretty interesting. I think we took a tour of the power station too.

Oh i would love to do the tour as I do love the water, am not sure Mrs T would be up for that. She only likes water that she can stand up in!

What about heights? Maybe you can do the Spanish Aerocar!

Oh wow that got me giddy just watching!

Very nice botanical garden, I imagined visiting it together with you. Thank you for such a nice walk. Greetings 🤗🌳🌲

Yes it is nice garden and had lots of variety. They did have a great hothouse too! Hello and enjoy your Wednesday 😀

We love gardens, and at my grandfather's house we have a lot of space and we have beautiful plants
How beautiful is this place that you visited, your photographs are very beautiful @tengolotodo

Ah you are lucky you can visit your grandfather's house to see all his plants @miprimerconcurso I think it is a relaxing thing to do!
Lovely to see you and have a wonderful Wednesday.

This botanical garden is so so lovely. I'm sure walking around was also fun but why are there no birds in your pictures. Don't tell me you left out the beds on purpose boss boss😱

Do you know that there almost no birds out and about, I think the weather was too cold lol. I did see some seagulls and swans elsewhere but not in this garden Becky.

Oh alright then boss boss.

hehe I shall make a birdy post on Friday though ... just for you

Awwwn, that's so sweet. Thanks boss boss🤗

what a cool gardens\MY dad had a green thumb and always had a beautiful flower garden and well producing vegetable patches, thats somehtiing I did not inherit from him LOL

I had polanned to add soem flower beds this year but with a surgery coming up which will slow me down for maybe a month its not going to happen, maybe next year

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

Good luck with the surgery. Green thumbs are great and I have often found it can skip generations. My grandma was like your dad, awesome flower gardens and great vegetable patches!

My parents were quite the opposite!

Thanks I am for the most part relaxed and not stressed about it, but some days it gets in my head, being able to get out for morning walks helps keep me cool

Funny thing is I say that about the surgery but going to a dentist freaks me out

Pine trees always give that additional beauty to a place wherever it grows

That red wood is interesting, seemed I haven't seen one yet

Ah the redwood is great they are huge, their trunks can be as wide as houses!

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Ed! hey you :-) This seemed like a peaceful day immersed in the gardens. It's lovely how they have integrated the various art installations - That elephant wooden sculpture looks cool! and the fairy doors are very cute. I bet the little visitors to the garden are enamored. And you saw a giant redwood!!! yay... I love the Giant Sequoia 💗 Looking forward to seeing what else you saw in the garden. And you made me chuckle... having to wake up the old man at the front desk to gain admission. He's at least dedicated 😂🥰 Your post was first up in my Dreemport curation this evening and a lovely way to start the set 😊


Hiya Sam😎 It was a fun day, I must admit whenever I am in a city I look up the local botanical gardens, can never get too much of a hot house!
The elephant was funky and not what I expected. It is a wee place maintained by Dundee Uni and so most people are volunteers including our sleeping admission man.
I must admit when I saw the Giant Redwoods I did think of you and Dreemie and presumed you saw them when you were with her in California!
Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful Sunday Sam 💙

A botanic garden with art work, I don't think I've seen that before. An interesting addition.

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