Wednesday Walk - Keep Walking

in Wednesday Walk29 days ago

Hello friends. I'm here with a new Wednesday Walk post. Thanks to the founder of the community, @tattoodjay, for his support, efforts and comments. Reads all posts one by one and responds to posts. This requires great dedication, it is necessary to allocate enough time.

Merhaba arkadaşlar. Yeni bir Wednesday Walk gönderisi ile sizlerle birlikteyim. Topluluğun kurucusu @tattoodjay'a destekleri , çabaları ve yorumları için teşekkürler. Tüm gönderileri tek tek okur ve gönderilere cevap verir. Bu büyük bir özveri ister, yeterince zaman ayırmak gerekir.

I am experiencing the most interesting spring of recent years. There is almost no day when it does not rain. If the weather is sunny in the morning, it will definitely rain in the afternoon or evening. On the contrary, if it rains during the day, there will be no rain in the evening. Sometimes it rains all day long. On days like these, I can't spend long time outside or exercise.

Son yılların en ilginç ilkbaharını yaşıyorum. Yağışın yağmadığı gün neredeyse yok. Hava sabah güneşliyse öğleden sonra veya akşam saatlerinde mutlaka yağmur yağar. Tam tersine gündüz vakti yağışlıysa akşam vakti yağış olmaz. Bazen de gün boyu yağmur yağıyor. Böyle günlerde dışarıda uzunca vakit geçiremiyor, egzersiz yapamıyorum.

When the weather starts to get a little warmer, I'll start taking morning walks. The walks that I enjoy the most and are the most beneficial are morning walks. There is a risk of getting sick when the season is not suitable.

Havalar biraz daha ısınmaya başlayınca sabah yürüyüşlerine başlayacağım. En çok zevk aldığım ve en yararlı olan yürüyüş sabah yürüyüşleridir. Mevsim bakımından uygun olmadığı zaman hastalanma riski var.

I think most people enjoy soda. Its taste is really interesting, but I am careful not to consume it because it is unhealthy. I have exceeded the limits in terms of consumption lately. This caused abdominal bloating and my belly protruded slightly. Naturally, this made me feel depressed. I can tolerate this by exercising more and drinking plenty of water.

Unless I have a very important job to do, I don't use a car or public transportation to go from one place to another unless my destination is too far away. Even when I use it, I get off at the destination earlier so that I can walk more. Of course, although this habit reduces the life of the shoes a little, I think it is worth it. Health is more important than a quickly worn out shoe.

Çok önemli bir işim olmadığı sürece, gideceğim yer çok uzak olmadı vakit bir yerden bir yere giderken araba veya toplu taşıma kullanmıyorum. Kullandığım zamanlar da bile daha erken mevkide iniyorum ki daha fazla yürümek için. Tabii bu alışkanlık ayakkabı ömrünü biraz azaltsa da buna değdiğini düşünüyorum. Sağlık , çabuk yıpranmış bir ayakkabıdan daha önemlidir.

Walking with friends is more enjoyable. Most of the time, it is difficult to coincide walking times at the same time. For this reason, most of my conscious walks are done alone. I realize that sometimes it is more enjoyable to walk alone. This changes from time to time. That's all I have to say this week. See you next week.

Arkadaşlarla birlikte yürüyüş yapmak daha keyiflidir. Çoğu zaman yürüyüş vakitlerini aynı ana denk getirmek zordur. Bu nedenle bilinçli yaptığım çoğu yüryüşleri tek başıma gerçekleştiriyorum. Kimi zaman da tek başına yürümenin daha keyifli olduğunu fark ediyorum. Bu dönem dönem değişiklik gösteriyor. Bu hafta anlatacaklarım bu kadardı. Gelecek hafta görüşmek üzere.



So glad that you recognise the ill effects of soft drinks and all the sugar they contain as well as the gases and realise that the best drink of all, it water.

It really is the elixer of life and cures most ails.

Many doctors believe that old people are so hunched over because of the Co2 gases in the fizzy drinks deplete the amount of calcium in their bones/ good to know that you know that they have negative affects on you now, so you don't have too many troubles like this when you're older.

I drank fizzy drinks when I was younger and fruit juice and both are full of sugar but now I just drink water and lots of it!

I'm like you, walk everywhere and only take public transport when I absolutely have to, but make sure I get off at a different stop to walk too!

And I love walking alone, it 's a great opportunity to think, daydream, plan and you can go where you want, when you want without having to debate with anyone else- especially those gorgeous places that you take us.

Gule gule! 😊

I'm so glad you commented on my post. You approached me in a sincere and sincere manner. Our perspective on events and our habits are very similar to each other. Thank you so much for stopping by.

I will never hesitate to stop by and have conversations with you because we do have many things in common and it's nice to get to know our new friends better!

I hope that you're feeling better soon!