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RE: Walking to the Rhythm of the Blues

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

Maybe it is a greek saying, I thought everyone said that, haha!
It is pretty nice to know that we have two doctors with us all the time!

And it is nice to walk at my place, the view and the nature are amazing, but we are at the mountain, so uphill and downhill all the time, there is not even one single flat route!
I miss the sea, but the days are getting longer, so summer is not far away :)


Even better, the relief of the terrain forces extra effort that makes the walk even more productive.
I love it so much when the days get longer, I love it the most! You miss the sea but it's so close to you, if I understand correctly from your photos, you can see it all the time, right?

Yes, we can see it but we can't touch it! Though it is only about 20' away by car, not too far!
My two doctors wouldn't mind a flat route just for a change! The dog on the hand loves this wild terrain every time!

That's what I thought. The view is gorgeous!

There are always differences between the desires of humans and dogs.

Oh yes, definitely :)