On Wednesday, farmers continued their work as usual. They went to the fields to plant rice

in Wednesday Walk4 months ago


For a farmer like me on a daily basis, remaining a farmer and going to the rice fields is a job that becomes my routine every day. Today is the day where I have to prepare various equipment for planting rice, friends, of course you can see how we have shaped our rice fields. We just have to wait for the next few days according to orders for us to plant rice and we will soon do this for the people of In our village, planting rice is one of the main jobs, meaning that most of the people here get their income by planting rice. If the rice harvest is satisfactory then for the farmers we are doing a good thing and for the farmers planting rice is one of the best things. It has become a routine for me, here are some pictures I have taken using my smartphone. Hopefully friends can see and see that this is one thing of good hard work. Here are some pictures that I have taken, I hope you like it.







