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RE: Coolness of the evening woods (#wednesdaywalk, En-Ua)

Hola!! Gusto de saludarte @lilideleopolis. Que linda publicación y espacio se conexión contigo misma. Me encantó la expresión de "olor a pino asociado a una infusión de té gigante"🥰... Hay una cosa que me llamo mucho la atención. Aquí en Chile los hongos salen en otoño, periodo en el que los pinos no desprenden olor (eso sucede en verano) Que impresión las diferencias de flora de un extremo a otro. Maravillada con lo parecido de los paisajes. Un gusto leerte.

Te agregare🥰
Un abrazo fraterno 🙌

Hi, nice to greet you @lilideleopolis. What a nice post and space to connect with yourself. I loved the expression of "pine smell associated with a giant tea infusion"🥰.... There is one thing that caught my attention. Here in Chile the mushrooms come out in autumn, a period in which the pines do not give off odor (that happens in summer) What an impression the differences in flora from one extreme to another. I am amazed at how similar the landscapes are. A pleasure to read you.

I will add you🥰
A fraternal embrace 🙌


Thanks for your feedback! Our mushrooms grow from the beginning of summer (the main condition is that it is warm!) and until mid-autumn...
I'm glad you liked it. It would be very interesting to see the landscape of your country. It's so far...