Wednesday walk with temperatures of 32°, murals, and a dog with pink ears.

in Wednesday Walklast year

Do you know why dog waste never disappears from the streets? Because dog owners always forget to do their homework.

For some reason these signs make me laugh, and I think I know why, the fact that such a sign exists is because of irresponsible owners who walk their pets and don't clean up the shit. You have to call a spade a spade. I watch this sign every day as it is in my urbanization.

¿Sabes por qué los desechos de los perros nunca desaparecen de las calles? Porque los dueños de los perros siempre se olvidan de hacer su tarea.

Por alguna razón estos carteles me dan risa, y creo saber el motivo, el hecho de que ese cartel exista es debido a los dueños irresponsables que pasean a sus mascotas y no limpian la mirda. Las cosas hay que llamarlas por su nombre. Veo este cartel todos los días ya que está en mi urbanización.


I left home for an afternoon stroll, the sun was at its highest point and the heat was felt in every corner of the city. I decided to take a short walk to clear my mind and enjoy the fresh air.

Salí de casa a dar un paseo por la tarde, el sol estaba en su punto más alto y el calor se hacía sentir en cada rincón de la ciudad. Decidí dar un paseo corto para despejar mi mente y disfrutar del aire libre.


The most emotional thing about going for a walk is having to leave Isis, my cat, alone at home. I look her in the eyes and tell her I will be back soon. Isis meowed as if she understood my words and curled up on her bed.

Lo más emotivo de salir a caminar es tener que partir y dejar a Isis, mi gata, sola en casa. La miró a los ojos y le digo que volveré pronto. Isis maulló como si entendiera mis palabras y se acurrucó en su cama.


While I was walking down the street, I saw a dog with pink ears, I wanted to take a better picture of her but I was embarrassed with the man, I preferred to take a picture hiding a little bit. I would have liked to take a better picture of her because she was really cute.

Mientras caminaba por la calle, vi a un perro con orejas rosadas, quise tomarle una mejor foto pero me dio verguenza con el señor, preferí tomar una foto disimulando un poco. Me hubiera gustado hacerle una mejor foto porque de verdad que era muy linda.


Continuing on my way, I came across several murals, the first one was very colorful, made by the mayor's office of my town.

Continuando el trayecto, me tope con varios murales el primero era muy colorido hecho por la alcaldía de mi localidad.


The second mural was made with recycled lids. The second mural was made by the Simon Bolivar Boys Scouts. When I arrived there were some boy scouts making a video, I guess it was about the mural. I didn't want to disturb them. It was a very creative work of art in progress that reflected the commitment of the boy scout community to the environment. These murals are becoming more and more popular in various parts of the country. In fact Venezuela holds the record for the largest mural with recycled lids in the world.

El segundo mural estaba hecho con tapas recicladas. El mural estaba hecho por el grupo de Boys scouts Simón Bolívar. Cuando llegue estaban unos boys scout haciendo un video, me imagino que era acerca del mural. No quise molestarlos. Así que me quede apreciando el mural sin interrumpirlos, Era una obra de arte en proceso, muy creativa que reflejaba el compromiso de la comunidad de boys scout con el medio ambiente. Estos murales cada vez se están haciendo más populares en varias partes del país. De hecho Venezuela tiene el record por el mural con tapas recicladas más grande del mundo.




By the time I returned home with a sense of peace, contentment and extreme exhaustion from the heat, even my hair was a mess haha I just wanted to rest and spend time with Isis, my faithful companion.

Para cuando regrese a casa con una sensación de paz, satisfacción y extremo cansancio por el calor , hasta el cabello me estaba hecho un desastre haha solo quería descansar y pasar tiempo con Isis, mi fiel compañera.


all photos taken by me with my Redmi Note 7

Translated with / Traducido con (version gratuita) version)


Esa perrita de orejas rosadas tiene todo el estilo 😎

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that sign also makes me laugh, here most dog owners are pretty good and clean up after their dogs but a small few are to lazy and give dog owners a bad name

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk, its my pleasure to host it and see all the posts each week from all around the world, including yours, if you have time visit some of the other walks this week there are so many interesting ones

Now I know most only post once a week using the Wednesday walk tag or community and I truly appreciate that and love visiting the posts so for most of you you can ignore the next sentence

I try and be nice and let people know via a comment to only post once a week, but some just abuse it and to me spam multiple posts a week, after asking nicely a few times and being ignored, this morning I regrettably had to mute a couple of people who were spamming the Wednesday walk tag

@tattoodjay thank you for welcoming me to the wednesday walk.

yes, I have seen many other very interesting posts, some walks are in incredible landscapes. really what you see by checking the TAG is quite beautiful.

don't worry, i won't fall into spam haha

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day